Latest Government Jobs

JKSSB Recruitment 2021 Online Application for 458 Jr Asst, Driver, Steno & Other Posts
  • Total Views: 1841
J&K Services Selection Board (JKSSB) has declared an employment notification for the recruitment of Driver, Jr Assistant, Steno, Plant Protection Operator, Field Supervisor & Other vacancies in Various Departments. The qualification required is Candidates should Possess 10+2 with ITI Diploma, Any Degree. The age limit should be between 40 Years to 48 Years. Those Candidates who are interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply Online from 14-02-2021.
Odisha Civil Service Exam 2021 Online Application for 392 Posts
  • Total Views: 2327
Odisha Public Service Commission (OPSC) has given a notification for the recruitment of Odisha Civil Service Exam 2020. The qualification required is Candidates should Possess Bachelor Degree. The age limit should be between 21 Years to 32 Years. Those Candidates who are interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply Online from 18-02-2021.
State Health Society Bihar Recruitment 2021 Online Application for 4102 Staff Nurse Posts
  • Total Views: 3985
State Health Society, Bihar has declared an employment notification for the recruitment of Staff Nurse Vacancies. The qualification required is Candidates should Possess GNM (General Nurse & Midwifery) course (or) B.Sc. Nursing (or) Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing. The age limit should be between 37 Years to 42 Years. Those Candidates who are interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply Online from 20-01-2021.
HSSC Constable Recruitment 2021 Online Application for 7298 Posts
  • Total Views: 2300
Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC) has given a notification for the recruitment of Male Constable (General Duty), Female Constable (General Duty) & Female Constable (Group C) of Police department. The qualification required is Candidates should Possess 10+2 or its equivalent from a recognized education Board/ Institution for all the categories. The age limit should be between 18 Years to 25 Years. Those Candidates who are interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply Online from 10-02-2021.
UPSC NDA & NA (I) 2021 Online Application for 400 Vacancy
  • Total Views: 3790
Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has declared an employment notification for the recruitment of National Defence Academy & Naval Academy Examination (I), 2021 (Indian Naval Academy Course (INAC)). The qualification required is Candidates should Possess 12th Class pass of the 10+2 pattern of School Education. The age limit should be Minimum not earlier than 02-07-2002 and Maximum not later than 01-07-2005. Those Candidates who are interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply Online from 19/01/2021.
UPPSC Recruitment 2021 Online Application for 564 DHO, Principal & Sr Technical Asst Vacancy
  • Total Views: 2277
Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) has given notification for the recruitment of Distt. Horticulture Officer, Principal & Senior Technical Assistant Vacancies. The qualification required is Candidates should Possess Graduation, Degree, B.Sc, M.Sc. The age limit should be between 21 Years to 40 Years. Those Candidates who are interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply Online from 29/01/2021.
JKSSB Recruitment 2021 Online Application for 232 Various Posts
  • Total Views: 1829
J&K Services Selection Board (JKSSB) has declared a notification for the recruitment of Junior Assistant, Library Assistant, Laboratory Assistant & Other vacancies in Various Departments. The qualification required is Candidates should Possess Graduation, Degree. The age limit should be between 40 Years to 48 Years. Those Candidates who are interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply Online from 31/01/2020.
UPSESSB Recruitment 2020 Online Application for 15508 TGT & PGT Vacancy
  • Total Views: 1509
Uttar Pradesh Secondary Education Service Selection Board (UPSESSB) has declared a notification for the recruitment of Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT) & Post Graduate Teacher (PGT) Vacancies. The qualification required is Candidates should Possess Intermediate with Graduate Degree in relevant subject and B.Ed./ BTC. The age limit should Not less than 21 Years. Those Candidates who are interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply Online from 30/11/2020.
SSC Stenographer Recruitment 2020 Online Application for Gr C & D Vacancy
  • Total Views: 4282
Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has given notification to conduct Computer Based Examination for the recruitment of Stenographer Grade ‘C’ & ‘D’ vacancies. The qualification required is Candidates should Possess 12th Standard/ equivalent exam from a recognized Board or University with Typing Knowledge of English/ Hindi. The age limit should be between 18 Years to 30 Years. Those Candidates who are interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply Online from 04/11/2020.
BECIL Recruitment 2020 Online Application for 1500 Skilled & Unskilled Manpower Posts
  • Total Views: 2436
Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Limited (BECIL) has declared a notification for the recruitment of Skilled Manpower, Un-Skilled Manpower vacancies on Contract basis. The qualification required is Candidates should Possess 08th Class, ITI Certificate in Electrical Trade or Wiremen or SCVT or Higher Technical Degree Diploma in Engineering. Those Candidates who are interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply Online from 20/10/2020.
SSC Jr Engineer Recruitment 2020 Online Application for Various Vacancy
  • Total Views: 2817
Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has declared an employment notification for the recruitment of Junior Engineer (Civil/ Electrical/ Mechanical & Quantity Surveying & Contract) Exam 2020. The qualification required is Candidates should Possess Diploma, Degree. The age limit should Up to 32 Years. Those Candidates who are interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply Online from 30/10/2020.
Rajasthan High Court Recruitment 2020 Online Application for 1760 Jr Judicial Asst, Jr Asst, Clerk Posts
  • Total Views: 1980
Rajasthan High Court has given a notification for the recruitment of Jr Judicial Asst, Junior Asst, Clerk Gr II vacancies. The qualification required is Candidates should Possess Any Degree, Computer Knowledge. The age limit should be between 18 Years to 40 Years. Those Candidates who are interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply Online from 01/11/2020.
HPSSC Recruitment 2020 Online Application for 1658 Jr Office Asst, Jr Engineer & Other Posts
  • Total Views: 3374
Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission (HPSSC) has declared an employment notification for the recruitment of Jr Office Asst (IT), Station Fire Officer, Traffic Inspector, Technician, Statistical Asst, Asst Store Keeper, Steno Typist, Jr Engineer. The qualification required is Candidates should Possess 10+2, ITI, Diploma, Degree. The age limit should be between 18 Years to 45 Years. Those Candidates who are interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply Online from 25/10/2020.
BSUSC Recruitment 2020 Online Application  for 4638 Asst Professor Vacancy
  • Total Views: 2475
Bihar State University Service Commission (BSUSC) has declared a notification for the recruitment of Assistant Professor vacancies in different universities of Bihar State. Those Candidates who are interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply Online from 02/11/2020.
Indian Navy 10+2 (B.Tech) Cadet Entry Scheme 2020 Online Application for 34 Posts
  • Total Views: 1872
Indian Navy has declared a notification for 10+2 (B.Tech) Cadet Entry Scheme (Permanent Commission) – Jan 2021 from Unmarried Male candidates. The qualification required is Candidates should Possess 10+2 Pattern, JEE (Main) -2020 (for B.E./ B.Tech) exam. Those Candidates who are interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply Online from 20/10/2020.
Karnataka High Court Recruitment 2020 Online Application for 30 District Judge
  • Total Views: 1905
Karnataka High Court has declared notification for the recruitment of District Judge (including backlog) vacancies. The qualification required is Candidates should Possess Degree in Law granted by a University established by law in India, Must be practicing as an Advocate in the High Court or in a Subordinate Court on the last date fixed for receipt of applications and must have so practiced for a period not less than 7 years as on such date. The age limit should be between 45 Years to 48 Years. Those Candidates who are interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply Online from 21/10/2020.
APSCSC Recruitment 2020 Online Application for 108 Technical Asst & Charted Accountant Posts
  • Total Views: 8197
Andhra Pradesh State Civil Supplies Corporation Limited (APSCSC) has declared notification for the recruitment of Technical Asst Gr III & Charted Accountant vacancies in Various Districts on Contract Basis. The qualification required is Candidates should Possess B.Sc (Agri)/ B.Sc (Hort)/ B.Sc (dry Land Agri), Graduation (Bio Technology Science) with Specialization in Botany, CA. The age limit should be between 35 Years to 40 Years. Those Candidates who are interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply Online from 23/09/2020.
NHM MP Recruitment 2020 Online Application for 3800 Community Health Officer Posts
  • Total Views: 2589
National Health Mission (NHM), MP has declared notification for the recruitment of Community Health Officer (CHO) vacancies conducting by Integrated Certificate Course in Community Health Examination Jan-Dec 2021. The qualification required is Candidates should Possess B.Sc (Nursing), Post Basic B.Sc (Nursing) with Integrated Certificate Course in Community Health, For more qualification details refer the notification. The age limit should be between 21 Years to 40 Years. Those Candidates who are interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply Online from 08/10/2020.
UP Vidhan Parishad Recruitment 2020 Online Application for 73 RO, APS & Other Vacancy
  • Total Views: 2180
Uttar Pradesh Vidhan Parishad Sachivalaya has declared a notification for the recruitment of Veterinary Medical Officer, Assistant Professor, Medical Officer & Other Vacancies. The qualification required is Candidates should Possess Graduation, Hindi Typing, Degree (Commerce), 5th Class. The age limit should be between 18 Years to 40 Years. Those Candidates who are interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply Online from 12/10/2020.
SBI Specialist Officer Recruitment 2020 Online Application for 92 Vacancy
  • Total Views: 4623
State Bank of India (SBI) has given notification for the recruitment of Specialist Cadre Officer & Post Doctoral Research Fellow vacancies on regular basis. The qualification required is Candidates should Possess CA/ CFA/ MBA/ PGDM/ PG, BE/ B.Tech/ M Tech, Ph.D (Banking/ Finance/ IT/ Economics) with Relevant Experience, Graduation. The age limit should be between 25 Years to 45 Years. Those Candidates who are interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply Online from 08/10/2020.
TNUSRB Recruitment 2020 Online Application for 10906 Constable, Fireman & Jail Warder Posts
  • Total Views: 2418
Tamil Nadu Uniformed Service Recruitment Board (TNUSRB) has declared an employment notification for the recruitment of Grade II Police Constable, Grade II Jail Warder, & Fireman vacancies. The qualification required is Candidates should Possess 10th Class (Matriculation) or equivalent from a recognized Board / Institute. The age limit should be between 18 Years to 45 Years. Those Candidates who are interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply Online from 26/10/2020.
Board of Secondary Education Assam Recruitment 2020 Online Application for 5746 Graduate Teacher Vacancy
  • Total Views: 7039
Directorate of Secondary Education, Assam has given notification for the recruitment of Graduate Teacher (Science & Arts) vacancies. The qualification required is Candidates should Possess Degree/ PG (Science) (Arts), B.Ed. The age limit should be between 18 Years to 50 Years. Those Candidates who are interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply Online from 30/09/2020.
UPPCL Recruitment 2020 Online Application for 102 Account Clerk Vacancy
  • Total Views: 7384
Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited (UPPCL) has declared a notification for the recruitment of Account Clerk (Lekha Lipik) vacancies. The qualification required is Candidates should Possess Graduation (Commerce) with Hindi Tying Knowledge. The age limit should be between 21 Years to 40 Years. Those Candidates who are interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply Online from 27/10/2020.
Bank of India Recruitment 2020 Online Application for 214 Officer Posts
  • Total Views: 2617
Bank of India has given notification for the recruitment of Officer in various streams upto Scale IV vacancies. The qualification required is Candidates should Possess Graduation. The age limit should be between 20 Years to 38 Years. Those Candidates who are interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply Online from 30/09/2020.
DEE Assam Recruitment 2020 Online Application for 5043 Teacher Vacancy
  • Total Views: 2601
Directorate of Elementary Education (DEE), Assam has declared a notification for the recruitment of Assistant Teacher (Lower Primary School), Science Teacher, Assamese Language Teacher, Manipuri Language Teacher (Upper Primary School) & Hindi Teacher vacancies. The qualification required is Candidates should Possess D.El.Ed, B.El.Ed., TET. The age limit should be between 18 Years to 40 Years. Those Candidates who are interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply Online from 26/09/2020.

Govt Jobs by State

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Online Naukri is a platform, where you can get the information about latest Sarkari Naukri or Government Job in India. We give the updates regarding Indian Government Job recruitment in various sectors like Railway, PSUs, Banking, Engineering, State Government Jobs, Teaching, Police/Defense, etc. On this platform, we daily update the latest Government Job vacancies for both fresher’s as well as experienced candidates.

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