Diploma Holders

Diploma Recruitment 2019: Search newly announced Government jobs for Diploma Holders in any stream on Online Naukri. Here Online Naukri listed all government jobs for Diploma Holders in India. A Diploma Holder can apply for various vacancies like Data Entry, Computer Operator, Graphic Designer, Dress Designer, Interior Designer, Electrician, Mechanic, Content Writer, Call Center, Sales Man/Woman, GD – Constable, Stenographer, DEO, LDC & Assistant, Indian Army, Indian Navy, Customer Assistant, Rajasthan Jail Department, Office Boy, and many more. Candidates can search and apply for the suitable Diploma Sarkari Naukri according to their stream. We have provides relevant direction to the candidates those are moving with the best possibilities in their career.

Diploma Holders Jobs

Allahabad High Court RO, ARO & Computer Asst Recruitment 2021 Online Application for 411 Posts
  • Total Views: 3375
Allahabad High Court has given a notification for the recruitment of Review Officer, Assistant Review Officer & Computer Asst vacancies. The qualification required is Candidates should Possess Bachelor’s Degree and Diploma/ Degree in Computer Science & Typing Speed with relevant certificates. The age limit should be between 18 Years to 35 Years. Those Candidates who are interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply Online till 16-09-2021.
RCF Ltd Recruitment 2021 Online Application for 104 Trade Apprentice Posts
  • Total Views: 2742
Rashtriya Chemicals & Fertilizers Limited (RCFL) has given a notification for the recruitment of Trade Apprentice vacancies. The qualification required is Candidates should Possess Any Degree, Basic English Knowledge, B.Sc, B.Com/ BBA, Diploma. The age limit should be between 18 Years to 25 Years. Those Candidates who are interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply Online till 07-08-2021.
BPCL Recruitment 2021 – Online Application for 168 Apprentice Posts
  • Total Views: 2940
Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (BPCL) has declared a notification for the recruitment of Apprentice vacancies under Apprenticeship (Amendment) Act 1973 for the candidates passed during 2019, 2020 & 2021.The qualification required is Candidates should Possess First Class Engineering Degree, First Class Diploma in Engineering. The age limit should be between 18 Years to 27 Years. Those Candidates who are interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply Online till 25-07-2021.
DSSSB TGT Recruitment 2021 Online Application for 5807 Vacancy
  • Total Views: 2652
Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board (DSSSB) has declared an employment notification for the recruitment of Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT) (Bengali, English, Urdu, Sanskrit, Punjabi) vacancies. The qualification required is Candidates should Possess B.A (Honours) with MIL/ Degree/ Diploma. The age limit should be Below 32 Years. Those Candidates who are interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply Online till 03-07-2021.
KSP Constable Recruitment 2021 Online Application for 3533 Vacancy
  • Total Views: 2301
Karnataka State Police (KSP) has given a notification for the recruitment of Police Constable vacancies. The qualification required is Candidates should Possess PUC/ HSC, Diploma/ ITI or Equivalent Qualification. The age limit should be between 19 Years to 30 Years. Those Candidates who are interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply Online till 25-06-2021.
DSSSB Various Vacancy Recruitment 2021 Online Application for 7236 Vacancy
  • Total Views: 2279
Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board (DSSSB) has declared an employment notification for the recruitment of Trained Graduate Teacher, Assistant Teacher (Primary, Nursery), Jr Secretarial Assistant, Counselor, Head Clerk, Patwari vacancies. The qualification required is Candidates should Possess XII, B.A, Degree/ Diploma. The age limit should be between 18 Years to 32 Years. Those Candidates who are interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply Online till 24-06-2021.
Bank Note Press Recruitment 2021 – Online Application for 135 Jr Technician, Supervisor & Other Vacancy
  • Total Views: 1956
Bank Note Press under Security Printing & Minting Corporation of India Limited (SPMCIL) has given a notification for the recruitment of Welfare Officer, Supervisor, Junior Office Assistant, Junior Technician, Secretarial Assistant vacancies on contract basis. The qualification required is Candidates should Possess B.Tech/ B.E/ B.Sc (Engg)/ B.Sc (Chemistry), Degree/ Diploma, ITI. The age limit should be between 18 Years to 30 Years. Those Candidates who are interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply Online till 11-06-2021.
BTSC, Bihar Specialist & General Medical Officer Recruitment 2021 Online Application for 6338 Vacancy
  • Total Views: 2179
Bihar Technical Service Commission (BTSC), Bihar has given notification for the recruitment of Specialist Medical Officer & General Medical Officer vacancies. The qualification required is Candidates should Possess MBBS, PG Degree/ Diploma/ DMNB. The age limit should be between 37 Years to 42 Years. Those Candidates who are interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply Online till 24-05-2021.
Sports Authority of India Coach Recruitment 2021 Online Application for 320 Vacancy
  • Total Views: 2043
Sports Authority of India has declared an employment notification for the recruitment of Coach, Assistant Coach vacancies on contractual basis. The qualification required is Candidates should Possess Diploma (Coaching) with Relevant Sports Qualification. The age limit should be between 40 Years to 45 Years. Those Candidates who are interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply Online till 20-05-2021.
HPSSC Various Vacancy Recruitment 2021 Online Application for 379 Vacancy
  • Total Views: 4196
Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission (HPSSC) has given notification for the recruitment of Staff Nurse, Pharmacist, Jr Fireman, Office Asst, Clerk, Steno Typist, Jr Engineer (Electrical, Civil) & Other vacancies on contract & regular basis. The qualification required is Candidates should Possess 10+2, Diploma, Degree, B.Com, B.Sc, ITI. The age limit should be between 18 Years to 45 Years. Those Candidates who are interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply Online till 09-05-2021.
IAF Group C Civilian Recruitment 2021 Online Recruitment1515 Vacancy
  • Total Views: 1718
Indian Air Force has given a notification for Group C Civilian.The qualification required is Candidates should Possess Any Degree, Diploma, 10th Class, 12th Class, ITI. The age limit should be between 18 Years to 25 Years. Those Candidates who are interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply Online till Within 30 Days from the date Advertisement.
BHEL Trichy Apprentice Recruitment 2021 –  Online Application for 389 Posts
  • Total Views: 1726
Bharat Heavy Electricians Limited (BHEL), Trichy has declared a notification for the recruitment of Trade Apprentice, Graduate Apprentice & Technician Apprentice vacancies for the year 2021-22. The qualification required is Candidates should Possess Any Degree, Diploma, 10th Class, 12th Class, ITI. The age limit should be between 18 Years to 27 Years. Those Candidates who are interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply Online till 14-04-2021.
NBCC Site Inspector (Civil & Electrical) Recruitment 2021 – Online Application for 120 Posts
  • Total Views: 1997
National Buildings Construction Corporation (NBCC) India Limited has given notification for the recruitment of Site Inspector (Civil & Electrical) vacancies on contract basis. The qualification required is Candidates should Possess Full Time Diploma Electrical Engg, Civil Engg. with Relevant Experience. The age limit should be Upper 35 Years. Those Candidates who are interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply Online till 14-04-2021.
TRB Tripura Under Graduate & Graduate Teacher Recruitment 2021 Online Application for 2373 Vacancy
  • Total Views: 1530
Teachers Recruitment Board (TRB) Tripura has given notification for the recruitment of Under Graduate Teacher (UGT), Graduate Teacher (GT) vacancy from the permananet resident of Tripura State. The qualification required is Candidates should Possess Senior Secondary, Diploma (Elementary Education), Degree, B.El.Ed & B.Ed, B.A.Ed/ B.Sc.Ed & T-TET. The age limit should Up to 40 Years. Those Candidates who are interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply Online till 14-03-2021.
GPSC Recruitment 2021 – Online Application for 1427 STI, MO & Other Vacancy
  • Total Views: 1626
Gujarat Public Service Commission (GPSC) has given notification for the recruitment of Sales Tax Inspector, Medical Officer, Professor, Tutor, DY Section Officer & Other vacancies. The qualification required is Candidates should Possess Any Degree, MBBS, Law Graduate, Ph.D/ Pg.D, BE/ Diploma, M.Ch./DNB, MD/MS.Those Candidates who are interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply Online till 31-03-2021.
NMDC Limited Various Vacancy Recruitment 2021 Online Application for 304 Posts
  • Total Views: 2078
NMDC Limited has given a notification for the recruitment of Field Attendant, Maintenance Assistant, Blaster Gr-II, MCO Gr-III Vacancy. The qualification required is Candidates should Possess ITI (Welding/Fitter/ Machinist/ Motor Mechanic / Diesel/ Mechanic/Auto Electrician) Diploma (Mechanical Engineering) with
Heavy Vehicle Driving License. The age limit should be between 18 Years to 30 Years. Those Candidates who are interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply Online till 31-03-2021.
TNPSC Engineering Subordinate Services Recruitment 2021 Online Application for 537 Posts
  • Total Views: 3973
Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) has declared an employment notification for conducting Combined Engineering Subordinate Services exam. The qualification required is Candidates should Possess Diploma (Civil Engg) (Handloom Technology/ Textile Manufacture). The age limit should be between 30 Years to 35 Years. Those Candidates who are interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply Online till 04-04-2021.
RBI Jr Engineer Recruitment 2021 Online Application for 48 Vacancy
  • Total Views: 2133
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has given notification for the recruitment of Junior Engineer (Civil/ Electrical) vacancy. The qualification required is Candidates should Possess Diploma/ Degree (Electrical/ Electronics Engg) with Relevant Experience. The age limit should be between 20 Years to 30 Years. Those Candidates who are interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply Online till 15-02-2021.
GPSC Recruitment 2021 Online Application for 492 GES, Asst Professor, AE & Other Posts
  • Total Views: 2632
Gujarat Public Service Commission (GPSC) has given notification for the recruitment of Gujarat Engineering Service (Civil), Asst Professor, Professor, Additional Asst Engineer & Other vacancies. The qualification required is Candidates should Possess Degree, B.E/ B.Tech, Diploma. Those Candidates who are interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply Online till 17-02-2021.
DRDO-GTRE Apprentice Trainee Recruitment 2021 Online Application for 150 Posts
  • Total Views: 2130
Defence Research & Development Organization DRDO-Gas Turbine Research Establishment (GTRE) has given a notification for the recruitment of ITI, Diploma, Graduate Apprentice Trainee Vacancies. The qualification required is Candidates should Possess Degree (Engg/ Technology). The age limit should be between 18 Years to 37 Years. Those Candidates who are interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply Online till 29-01-2021.

Govt Jobs by State