Industrial Training Institutes (I.T.I)

ITI Recruitment 2019, ITI Job 2019: Latest ITI government job for ITI (Industrial Training Institutes) pass candidates across India and check all latest ITI job openings. Here you have the number of ITI Sarkari Naukri vacancies for Industrial Training Institutes (ITI) pass candidates. Industrial Training Institutes (ITI) pass candidates can apply in following posts Interior Decoration and Designing, Architectural Draughtsmanship, Turner, Computer Operator, and Programming Assistant, Electrician, Surveyor, Baker and Confectioner, Mechanic, Network Technician, Mechanic Computer Hardware, Mechanical Fitters, etc. Online Naukri, provide complete information regarding ITI job vacancies, here you can search the ITI job vacancies related to Industrial Training Institutes (ITI). We have provides relevant direction to the candidates those are moving with the best possibilities in their career.

Industrial Training Institutes (I.T.I) Jobs

West Central Railway Trade Apprentice Notification 2021 Online Application for 561 Posts
  • Total Views: 2229
West Central Railway has declared an employment notification for the recruitment of Trade Apprentice vacancies. The qualification required is Candidates should Possess 10th Class with ITI (Relevant Trade). The age limit should be between 15 Years to 24 Years. Those Candidates who are interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply Online till 27-02-2021.
DRDO-GTRE Apprentice Trainee Recruitment 2021 Online Application for 150 Posts
  • Total Views: 2133
Defence Research & Development Organization DRDO-Gas Turbine Research Establishment (GTRE) has given a notification for the recruitment of ITI, Diploma, Graduate Apprentice Trainee Vacancies. The qualification required is Candidates should Possess Degree (Engg/ Technology). The age limit should be between 18 Years to 37 Years. Those Candidates who are interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply Online till 29-01-2021.
JKSSB Recruitment 2021 Online Application for 458 Jr Asst, Driver, Steno & Other Posts
  • Total Views: 1848
J&K Services Selection Board (JKSSB) has declared an employment notification for the recruitment of Driver, Jr Assistant, Steno, Plant Protection Operator, Field Supervisor & Other vacancies in Various Departments. The qualification required is Candidates should Possess 10+2 with ITI Diploma, Any Degree. The age limit should be between 40 Years to 48 Years. Those Candidates who are interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply Online from 14-02-2021.
BECIL Recruitment 2020 Online Application for 1500 Skilled & Unskilled Manpower Posts
  • Total Views: 2439
Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Limited (BECIL) has declared a notification for the recruitment of Skilled Manpower, Un-Skilled Manpower vacancies on Contract basis. The qualification required is Candidates should Possess 08th Class, ITI Certificate in Electrical Trade or Wiremen or SCVT or Higher Technical Degree Diploma in Engineering. Those Candidates who are interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply Online from 20/10/2020.
HPSSC Recruitment 2020 Online Application for 1658 Jr Office Asst, Jr Engineer & Other Posts
  • Total Views: 3387
Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission (HPSSC) has declared an employment notification for the recruitment of Jr Office Asst (IT), Station Fire Officer, Traffic Inspector, Technician, Statistical Asst, Asst Store Keeper, Steno Typist, Jr Engineer. The qualification required is Candidates should Possess 10+2, ITI, Diploma, Degree. The age limit should be between 18 Years to 45 Years. Those Candidates who are interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply Online from 25/10/2020.
CCL Recruitment 2020 Online Application for 1565 Trade Apprentice Posts
  • Total Views: 2446
Central Coalfields Limited has given a notification for the recruitment of Trade Apprentice vacancies. The qualification required is Candidates should Possess 8th Class,10th Class, ITI. The age limit should be between 18 Years to 35 Years. Those Candidates who are interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply Online from 05/10/2020.
NLC Recruitment 2020 Online Application for 675 Apprentice Posts
  • Total Views: 1635
Neyveli Lignite Corporation (NLC) India Limited has declared a notification for the recruitment of Ex ITI & Trade Apprentice Trainee vacancies. The qualification required is Candidates should Possess ITI, B.Com, BCA, BBA. The age limit should Minimum 14 Years. Those Candidates who are interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply Online from 20/09/2020.
ECIL Recruitment 2020 Online Application for 285  ITI Trade Apprentice Vacancy
  • Total Views: 1613
Electronics Corporation of India Limited (ECIL) has declared notification for the recruitment of ITI Trade Apprentice vacancy on Contract basis. The qualification required is Candidates should possess ITI Pass Certificate i.e NCVT certificate in the respective Trade. The age limit should Not Less Than 18 Years. Those Candidates who are interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply Online from 19/09/2020.
DME, Assam Recruitment 2020 Online Application for 331 Staff Nurse, Technician & Other Posts
  • Total Views: 4001
Directorate of Medical Education, Assam has given notification for the recruitment of Staff Nurse, Nursing Sister & Other vacancies. The qualification required is Candidates should possess Diploma, Degree. The age limit should be between 18 Years to 38 Years. Those Candidates who are interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply Online till 30/05/2020.
UPRVUNL 2020 – Online Application for 353 Asst Engineer, Technician & Other Posts
  • Total Views: 2978
Uttar Pradesh Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Limited (UPRVUNL) has declared a notification for the recruitment of Junior Engineer (Trainee), Accountant, Assistant Review Officer, Staff Nurse, Pharmacist & Technician vacancies. The qualification required is Candidates should possess Degree in Engineering, Diploma, MBA with Finance / Account OR CA. The age limit should be between 18 Years to 40 Years. Those Candidates who are interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply Online till 06-04-2020.
HPSSC Recruitment 2020 – Online Application for 943 TGT, MLT, Radiographer & Other Vacancy
  • Total Views: 2920
Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission (HPSSC) has declared notification for the recruitment of TGT, Medical Laboratory Technician, Radiographer, Steno-Typist & Other vacancies. The qualification required refer in notification. The age limit should be between 18 Years to 45 Years. Those Candidates who are interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply Online till 03-04-2020.
Diesel Loco Modernisation Works Recruitment 2020 – Online Application for 182 Apprentice Posts
  • Total Views: 1980
Diesel Loco Modernisation Works has given notification for the recruitment of Apprentice vacancies. The qualification required is Candidates should possess 10th Class with ITI. The age limit should be between 15 Years to 24 Years. Those Candidates who are interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply Online till 26-03-2020.
DTE Assam vacancy 2020 – Online Application for 312 Lecturer, Grade IV & Other Posts
  • Total Views: 3471
Directorate of Technical Education (DTE), Assam has declared a notification for the recruitment of Grade IV, Jr Instructor, Jr Asst, Scientific Asst vacancies. The qualification required is Candidates should possess Bachelor Degree (Any Discipline), HSLC/ TSLC, ITI Certificate. The age limit should be between 18 Years to 38 Years. Those Candidates who are interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply Online till 20-03-2020.
HESCOM Vacancy 2020 – 246 Apprentice Posts
  • Total Views: 2406
Hubli Electricity Supply Company Limited (HESCOM) has given notification for the recruitment of Apprentice vacancies. The qualification required is Candidates should possess ITI (Relevant Trades). The age limit should be between 25 Years to 30 Years. Those Candidates who are interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply Offline till 18-02-2020.
West Central Railway Recruitment 2020 – Apply Online for 570 Apprentice Posts
  • Total Views: 19080
West Central Railway has given notification for the recruitment of Trade Apprentice vacancies. The qualification required is Candidates should possess 10th Class with ITI (Relevant Trade Disciplines). The age limit should be between 15 Years to 24 Years. Those Candidates who are interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply Online till 15-02-2020.
West Central Railway Vacancy 2020 – Apply Online for 1273 Apprentice posts
  • Total Views: 127
DRM’S Office Personnel Department, Bhopal, West Central Railway, Jabalpur has declared a notification for the recruitment of Act Apprentice vacancies for the year 2018-19. The qualification required is Candidates should possess 10th Class or equivalent & ITI (Relevant Trades). The age limit should be between 15 Years to 24 Years. Those Candidates who are interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply Online till 14-02-2020.
BHEL Bhopal Vacancy 2020 – Apply Online for 550 Trade Apprentice Posts
  • Total Views: 2213
Bharat Heavy Electrical Limited (BHEL), Bhopal has declared a notification for the recruitment of Trade Apprentices vacancies. The qualification required is Candidates should possess 10th Class/ High School, ITI (Relevant Trades). The age limit should be between 14 Years to 25 Years. Those Candidates who are interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply Online till 31-01-2020.
BECIL Vacancy 2020 – 4000 Skilled, Un-Skilled Manpower Posts Last Date Extended
  • Total Views: 2810
Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Limited (BECIL) has published a notification for appointment of Skilled Manpower, Un-Skilled Manpower vacancies on Contract basis. The qualification required is 08th Class, ITI Certificate in Electrical Trade or Higher Technical Degree Diploma (Engineering). The age limit is between 18 years to 45 years. Those Candidates who are Interested in the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply online till 11-01-2020.
NPCIL Vacancy 2020 – Online Application for 185 Stipendiary Trainee, Driver & Other Posts
  • Total Views: 1896
Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd (NPCIL) has published a notification for appointment of Stipendiary Trainee, Driver-cum-Pump Operator-cum-Fireman vacancies. The qualification required is ITI (Relevant Trade). The age limit is between 18 years to 25 years. Those Candidates who are Interested in the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply online till 21-01-2020.
NPCIL Vacancy 2020 – Online Application for 80 Trade Apprentice Posts
  • Total Views: 1965
Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd (NPCIL) has published a notification for appointment of Trade Apprentice (Fitter, Turner, Electrician, Welder & Other) vacancies. The qualification required is ITI (Relevant Trade). The age limit is between 16 years to 24 years. Those Candidates who are Interested in the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply online till 21-01-2020.

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