IOCL Recruitment 2018 – Apply Online for 233 Trade Apprentice and Technician Posts

  • Oct 22, 2018
Location: Vadodara, Gujarat, IN
Organization Name: IOCL, Gujarat Refinery
Employment Type: Full-time

Name of the Post: IOCL, Gujarat Refinery Apprentice Posts

Post Date: 22-10-2018

Total Vacancy: 233

Information: Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL), Gujarat Refinery Region has declared the notification for the recruitment of Trade Apprentice and Technician vacancies. Qualification required is Matric with ITI (Relevant Engg Disciplines), Graduation, Diploma in Relevant Engg Disciplines, B.Sc. The age limit is required minimum will be 18 years and maximum will be 24 years. The interested candidates can apply online from 16-10-2018. The written test will be at 18-11-2018 8 (Sunday) at Vadodara, Gujarat.

IOCL, Gujarat Refinery

Technician & Trade Apprentice Vacancies 2018

Important Dates

  • Starting Date for Apply Online: 16-10-2018
  • Last Date to Apply Online: 09-11-2018
  • Tentative Date for Written Test: 18-11-2018 8 (Sunday) at Vadodara, Gujarat.

Age Limit (as on 31-10-2018)

  • Minimum Age Limit: 18 Years
  • Maximum Age Limit: 24 Years
  • Age relaxation is applicable to SC/ ST/ OBC/ PWbD candidates as per rules.
Vacancy Details
Sl No Post Name No of Posts Months of Training and Stipend Payable (Tentative) Qualification
1 Trade Apprentice/ Attendant Operator 49 Rs. 12000/- pm Matric with ITI (Relevant Engg Disciplines), Graduation
2 Trade Apprentice (Fitter) 33 Rs. 14715/- pm Diploma in Relevant Engg Disciplines
3 Trade Apprentice (Boiler) 16 (1st Year - Rs. 12000/- pm) (2nd Year - Rs. 13358/- pm) 3 years Full time B.Sc. (Physics, Maths, Chemistry/ Industrial Chemistry)
4 Technician Apprentice – Chemical 49 Rs. 14715/- pm 3 years Full Time Diploma (Relevant Disciplines)
5 Technician Apprentice - Mechanical 33 Rs. 14715/- pm 3 years Full Time Diploma (Mechanical Engg)
6 Technician Apprentice - Electrical 33 Rs. 14715/- pm 3 years Full Time Diploma ( Electrical Engg)
7 Technician Apprentice - Instrumentation 20 Rs. 14715/- pm 3 years Full Time Diploma (Relevant Disciplines)

Selection Process

1. Selection shall be on the basis of performance in Written Test of two hours duration & Personal Interview.

2. The ratio of marks for Written Test and interview shall be 85:15 and a candidate will have to secure minimum 40% marks at each stage for qualifying the selection process. The minimum qualifying marks will be relaxed by 5% for candidates belonging to SC/ST/PwBD categories considered against reserved positions at each stage of the selection process.

3. Candidates belonging to PwBD categories, who have availed of concession in eligibility qualification marks or in Written Test qualifying marks or in Interview, will be considered against reserved vacancies, irrespective of their position in select list (in order of merit within the category).

4. Obtaining minimum qualifying marks in the written test does not confer any right or claim by the candidate for being shortlisted for Personal Interview or the final selection, as the same is related to number of positions, ratio applied and relative performance in respective categories.

5. Shortlisted candidates, in the ratio of 1:2 (two candidates for one position/seat, with due cognizance to number of reserved positions) subject to securing minimum qualifying marks in the written test, will be required to attend a Personal Interview. The Personal Interview for each discipline shall be conducted by a duly constituted committee.

6. In case of non-availability of sufficient number of candidates to fill the reserved seats in a notified trade/discipline, the vacant seat shall be offered to candidates belonging to reserved categories in any other discipline on the basis of a combined merit list of reserved candidates in all trades/disciplines, except for seats that are identified to be filled by candidates belonging to PwBD categories.

7. Filling up of seats is solely at the discretion of the management based on suitability of candidates and no claim will arise for engagement, if some of these seats are not filled due to unsuitability/insufficient number of candidates.

8. The decision of the Management will be final and binding on all candidates on all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of the applications, mode of selection and cancellation of the selection process etc. No correspondence will be entertained in this regard.

How to Apply

1. A candidate can apply for apprenticeship at Gujarat Refinery by opting “Gujarat Refinery” from amongst other refinery options.

2. Option for exercising the choice of a Refinery unit has been provided in the application menu (on-line application portal) which shall open at 10.00 hours on 16/10/2018 and closes at 17.00 hours on 09/11/2018.

3. Candidates meeting the prescribed eligibility criteria for a post, may visit the website go to ‘What’s New’ > go to Latest job openings> go to Engagement of Apprentices under Refineries Division> Select the link of Gujarat Refinery Unit. The candidate must have an active email ID and mobile phone number which must remain valid for at least next one year. All future communication with candidate will take place only through website application / email / mobile phone. Applications submitted through on-line mode will only be accepted.

4. The candidate should have scanned copy of colour photograph and signature in jpg format (size not exceeding 50 KB) ready before applying on-line. The photo and signature in digital form will be required to be uploaded.

5. After successfully applying / registering on-line applications, the candidates are advised to send the print out of on-line application form, duly signed by him/her, to General Manager (HR), Indian Oil Corporation Limited, P.O. Jawahar Nagar, Dist. Vadodara -391 320(Gujarat) along with all supporting documents (mentioned in the checklist attached as Annexure A) & a photograph, under self attestation by ordinary post so as to reach us latest by 17.11.2018.

6. If printout of online application is not received latest by 17.11.2018 at above given address, candidature of the applicant shall be summarily rejected.

7. The candidates shall ensure that the printout of online application is sent to the concerned authority at Gujarat Refinery. Application of the Candidate submitting online application for one Refinery Unit and sending the printout of the online application to another Refinery Unit/Location shall be summarily rejected.

8. Candidates should super scribe the Name of Trade/ Discipline applied for and Trade/ Discipline Code along with “Gujarat Refinery” written on the top of the envelope.

9. A copy of on-line application shall be retained by the candidate and produced for verification at the time of Personal Interview.

10. In the event of incomplete applications, applications not fulfilling the eligibility criteria or failure to produce the printout with attachments prescribed at the time of personal interview, candidature shall be treated as “Rejected”.

11. All Original certificates are compulsorily required to be brought at the time of Personal Interview for verification. Further information regarding written examination, call letters, results, etc. shall be made available through this website through email. Candidates are, therefore, advised to keep visiting the website regularly.

12. Canvassing in any form is liable to render the candidate ineligible. Queries, if any, may be addressed to the following email ids & Contact Nos. given below.

General Conditions

1. Stipend: As prescribed under the Apprentices Act, the Apprentices shall be paid stipend of an amount equivalent to a prescribed percentage of the minimum wages applicable in the State. In addition, the Refinery pays Rs. 2500/- per month to an apprentice towards stationery, conveyance and miscellaneous expenses etc., wherever applicable.

2. Personal Protective Equipment: The Apprentices shall be provided with safety shoes & a Helmet (returnable upon completion of training).

3. Medical Facility: Medical facilities will be allowed for self from the Refinery Hospital during the period of Apprenticeship training.

4. Company Accommodation/HRA: No HRA or Company’s accommodation shall be provided to Apprentices. However, apprentices belonging to PwBD category may be allowed shared hostel accommodation at normal charges, subject to availability.

5. Leave & Holidays: Apprentices will be allowed 8 days General leave in a quarter. They will also be allowed to avail of Casual Leave & Holidays as per rules framed by the Corporation.

6. Insurance Coverage: An Insurance coverage under Employee’s Compensation Act towards accident compensation on monthly wage limited to Rs 8000/- shall be available to the apprentices.

7. Apprentices shall be covered under the Certified Standing Orders applicable to workmen at the Refinery where they are undergoing Apprenticeship training and shall be placed under the administrative control of authorities as prescribed from time to time.

8. Period of Apprenticeship Training: may be extended under certain circumstances as provided under Rule 7 of the Apprentices Rules 1992.

9. The Corporation will have no obligation to offer regular employment to Apprentices.

10. Rules/guidelines, as may be prescribed by the Govt/framed by the Corporation from to time, shall apply.

Important Links
Apply Online  Click Here
Notification Click Here
Official Website Click Here


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