NBCC Limited-Recruitment Engineer, Assistant, Safety Officer & More Vacancies – Last Date 15 March 2016

  • Mar 03, 2016
Location: Delhi, IN
Organization Name: NBCC Limited-Recruitment Engineer, Assistant, Safety Officer & More Vacancies
Employment Type: Full-time

Engineer (Mechanical)

National Buildings construction Corporation Limited (NBCC Limited)

Address:NBCC Ltd., NBCC Bhawan, Lodhi Road,
New Delhi,Delhi 110003

Pay Scale: IDA Pay scale Of Rs. 16,400-40,500

Educational Requirements: Full Time Degree/ Diploma in Mechanical Engineering or equivalent from Govt. Recognized University/ Institute.

Experience Requirements: For Degree Holder: 2 years & above, For Diploma Holder: 3 years & above and should have experience in supply and erection & commissioning of the air conditioning systems/water supply /firefighting network/compressed air systems. Should have thorough knowledge on Preparation of technical specifications, estimations of bill of quantity of buildings/ industrial structures and basic cost estimation based on central /state PWD rates including market rates analysis. Should have experience of handling and Supervision of installation & measurement and certification of works carried –out at sites. Experience of post construction inclusive of DLP and operation and maintenance of the system. Should have proficiency in use of computer. Preference will be given to the candidates having experience in construction sector and / or have exposure in Govt. /PSU.

No of Post: A panel of suitable candidates based on performance of Interview will be drawn and the same will be valid for one year.

Age Limit: 35 years

Last Date: 03/15/2016

How to Apply: 1.The closing date of receipt of the applications through E-Mail is 15.03.2016. Mails received after 15.03.2016 will not be considered. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE APPLICATION FORM 2.Also, the candidate should take printout of submitted Application Form and send along with self-attested photo copies of certificates and testimonials in support of age, qualification, experience, caste (in case SC/ST/OBC), disability certificate (in case of PWD candidates), and 2 Nos. self-attested recent Passport size photographs. 3.The envelope should be superscribed Advt. No. 05 /2016, Post Applied for ......................... and should be sent by post / courier to “General Manager (HRM), NBCC Ltd., NBCC Bhawan, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003” on or before 25.03.2016. Applications received after 25.03.2016 or incomplete in any respect will be summarily rejected. NBCC will not be responsible for any postal/Courier delay. 4.All queries/issues regarding applications submission etc. are to be addressed to NBCC only through e-mail: hohrmestt.nbcc@gov.in

General Instructions: 1. Before applying, candidate should read the complete advertisement carefully and ensure that he / she has to fulfill eligibility criteria of the post stated in the advertisement in all respects.

2. The number of posts is tentative which may vary depending upon the requirement

3. Reservation / Relaxation in age will be given to SC/ST/OBC/PWD/Ex- Serviceman as per Government rules & regulation.

4. Only such persons would be eligible for the benefit of reservation/ relaxation under PWD quota who suffers from not less than 40% of relevant disability. For availing this benefit a candidate has to submit a disability certificate issued by Competent Authority in prescribed format

5. Relaxation of standard – If sufficient number of reserved category persons is not available on the basis of laid down general standards, the general standards could be relaxed suitably to fill up the reserved posts.

6. Selected candidate will be required to serve in any part of India or abroad including subsidiaries and JVs companies as per the discretion/requirement of the Company.

7. Person selected will be eligible for fringe benefits like HRA, CPF, Leaves & Leave Encashment, Medical Insurance etc. in case admissible according to their Pay & Pay scales and as per NBCC Rules.

8. Candidates are advised to give specific, correct, full information. All original certificates/documents in support of information furnished in the application form will be checked from originals at the time of Group Discussion / Personal Interview failing which the candidates will be disqualified for appearing in Group Discussion / Personal Interview. Candidature of the candidate is liable to be rejected at any stage of recruitment process or after recruitment or joining, if any information provided by the candidate is found to be false or is not found in conformity with eligibility criteria mentioned in the advertisement.

9. In case of variation in name / surname / name spelling mentioned in the application with that in the respective certificates pertaining to education / professional qualification / caste / etc., the applicant shall be required to submit a certificate from SDM or equivalent to this effect along with the respective documents at the time of Group Discussion / Interview, failing which the candidature shall be liable to be cancelled. In case of change of surname of female after her marriage, the candidate is required to furnish marriage certificate and notarized affidavit in this regard

10.The crucial date for determining the age limit shall be the closing date of application i.e. 15.03.2016. The date of declaration of result / issuance of mark sheet shall be deemed to be the date of acquiring the qualification and there shall be no relaxation on this account. Post qualification experience on a post / level shall be counted from the said date onwards.

11.The mere fact that a candidate has submitted application against the advertisement and apparently fulfilling the criteria as prescribed in the advertisement would not bestow on him/her the right to be definitely called for Group Discussion / Interview / considered further for selection process. In case of overwhelming response, NBCC reserves the right to shortlist the candidates by fixing revised eligibility criteria.

12.NBCC reserves the right to cancel this advertisement and/or the selection process without assigning any reason.

13.Candidates are advised to keep their E-mail ID active at least for one year. No change in E-mail ID will be allowed once entered. All future correspondence shall be sent via e-mail only.

14.Any corrigendum/addendum/errata in respect of the above advertisement shall be made available only on our official website www.nbccindia.gov.in under head “CAREER”. No further press advertisement will be given. Hence prospective applicants are advised to visit NBCC website regularly for above purpose.

15.Any legal proceedings in respect of any matter of claim or dispute arising out of this advertisement and/or applications in response thereto shall be subject to jurisdictions of Courts at Delhi. In case of any ambiguity / dispute arising on account of interpretation other than English, the English version will prevail.

16.Interested and prospective candidates may download the MS-Excel Application Format from NBCC website and submit duly filled MS-Excel application in prescribed format through E-Mail: hohrmestt.nbcc@gov.in. Candidates should, read the instructions carefully and fill-in the application form by giving accurate information.

Details will be available at: http://www.nbccindia.com/nbccindia/nroot/pdfdata/Jobs/Various%20Posts%20Advt.pdf

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