NCERT Recruitment 2019 – Walk in for Consultant, Asst Librarian & Other Posts

  • May 15, 2019
Location: IN
Organization Name: National Council of Educational Research and Training
Employment Type: Full-time

Name of the Post: NCERT Various Vacancies Walk in 2019 

Post Date: 15-05-2019

Total Vacancy: 28

Information: National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) has declared a notification for the recruitment of Sr Consultant, Consultant, Asst Librarian & Production Asst vacancies The Qualification required for Sr Consultant is Ph.D Degree (Relevant Discipline) with relevant experience, for Consultant Matster’s is Degree, NET/ SLET/ SET/ Ph.D Degree with relevant experience, for Asst. Librarian is Master’s Degree with NET/ SLET/ SET, M.phil/ Ph.D with relevant experience and for Production Asst. required qualification is Bachelor Degree (Printing Technology)/ PG Diploma,  knowledge of calculating and estimating cost of production of publications with relevant experience. Age Limit for Production Asst is less than 30 Years.

National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT)

 Various Vacancies 2019

Important Dates


  • Date of Walk-in Interview for Sr Consultant: 27-05-2019
  • Date of Walk-in Interview for Consultant: 27, 28 & 29-05-2019, 03 & 04-06-2019
  • Date of Walk-in Interview for Asst Librarian: 03-06-2019
  • Date of Walk-in interview for Production Asst: 04-06-2019
Age Limit (as on 15-05-2019)


  • Age Limit for Production Asst: Not Exceeding 30 Years
  • Age relaxation is applicable as per rules
Vacancy Details
Post Name Total Qualification
Sr Consultant 02 Ph.D Degree (Relevant Discipline) with relevant experience
Consultant 24 Matster’s Degree, NET/ SLET/ SET/ Ph.D Degree with relevant experience
 Asst Librarian 01 Master’s Degree with NET/ SLET/ SET, M.phil/ Ph.D with relevant experience
ProductionAsst 01 Bachelor Degree (Printing Technology)/ PG Diploma,  knowledge of calculating and estimating cost of production of publications with relevant experience

Important Notes

1. The interested candidates who fulfill the above conditions may attend the interview on the respective dates mentioned against each and should report upto 11.30 a.m. with a copy of their bio-data in prescribed pro-forma (appended below) and certificates and testimonials. Separate applications are to be submitted for each post applied. They are also requested to bring their original certificates for verification mandatorily. Candidates reporting after 11.30 am may not be entertained.

2. Age criteria will be as per NCERT Norms.

3. The above posts are purely on contract basis and it will not confer on him/her claim for regular employment in NCERT. The number of posts may vary at the discretion of Joint Director.

4. Candidates already in job should forward their applications through their employers and/or come with a “No Objection Certificate” without which the candidate will not be allowed to appear for interview.

5. The Consultants who have already worked in the Council in any capacity for more than 2 years need not apply/report for Interview.

6. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.

7. The selected candidates will be required to join immediately. 

8. Candidates should bring along with them their written and/or published work, if any (including their art work, multimedia, graphics, animation, audio/videos advertisement/promos, books, journals, thesis/dissertation magazines, etc.).

9. Corrigendum if any will be uploaded on institute website only.

10. Canvassing in any form and/or bringing any influence political or otherwise will be treated as a disqualification for the post.

11. All the disputes are subject to Bhopal jurisdiction.

Important Links
Notification  Click here
Official Website Click here


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