Rabindra Bharati University Recruitment 2016, Registrar, Librarian & More Posts – Last Date 29 Jan 2016

  • Jan 22, 2016
Location: West Bengal, IN
Organization Name: Rabindra Bharati University Recruitment 2016, Registrar, Librarian & More Posts
Employment Type: Full-time


Rabindra Bharati University (RBU)

Address: 56 A B.T. Road, ,Kolkata,West Bengal 700050

Pay Scale: The post of Registrar shall be in the Pay Band of Rs. 37,400 – 67,000 with a Grade Pay of Rs. 10,000/-

Educational Requirements: Uniformly good academic record with a Master’s Degree with minimum 55% marks or its equivalent grade in the point scale wherever a grading system is followed.

Desirable Qualifications: A Doctorate Degree or published research work of merit. Or High level of administrative experience in a Government or Quasi Government organization or a good background in administration and management in senior position.

Experience Requirements: At least fifteen years of experience as Sr. Lecturer/Reader/Assistant Professor in the AGP of Rs. 7000/- and above or with 8 years of service in AGP of Rs. 8000/- and above including as Associate Professor along with experience in educational administrations in Academic Institutions like University, or in an institute of higher learning of which 5(five) years must be in a University or in an Institute of Post Graduate Study. Or Comparable experience in research establishments and other institutions of higher learning. Or 15(fifteen) years administrative experience, of which 8 years shall be as Deputy Registrar or equivalent post.

Age Limit: Age not less than 40 years. Relaxable in the case of exceptionally qualified candidate.

Last Date: 01/29/2016

How to Apply: Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the below mentioned posts from 11/01/2016 to 29/01/2016 (till 4.30 p.m.) to be downloaded from university website (www.rbu.ac.in) and submitted to the Establishment Section of the University along with a Demand Draft of Rs. 300/- (Rupees Three Hundred only) (Rs.150/- for SC/ST/PWD) in favour of ‘RABINDRA BHARATI UNIVERSITY’ payable at ‘KOLKATA’ not later than 01/02/2016 (from 11 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. on all working days of the university). The applicants are requested to submit the duly filled-in application form with requisite testimonials along with Demand Draft and certificates along with 6(six) copies of application form (Application form + six photo copies of application form and one copy each of all mark sheets, certificates, age proof and other testimonials (1 set)).

General Instructions: The minimum requirement of 55% shall not be insisted upon for the existing incumbents who are already in the University system. However, the 55% mark will be insisted upon for those entering the system from outside. A relaxation of 5% marks will be provided at the master’s level (i.e. 55% to 50%) for SC/ST candidates. A relaxation of 5% mark may be provided to the Ph.D. degree holders who have passed their master’s degree prior to 19th September, 1991. Fulfillment of minimum qualifications does not guarantee a call for interview. The University reserves the right to decide the number of candidates to be called for interview for a particular post. Incomplete applications are liable to be cancelled. Candidates already in employment should apply through proper channel.

Details will be available at: http://rbu.ac.in/pdf/Officers_advertisement.pdf


Rabindra Bharati University (RBU)

Address: 56 A B.T. Road, ,Kolkata,West Bengal 700050

Pay Scale: The post of Librarian shall be in the Pay Band of Rs. 37400 - 67000 with the Academic Grade Pay of Rs.10000.

Educational Requirements: A Master’s degree in Library Science /Information Science with at least 55% marks or its equivalent grade of B in the UGC seven points scale and consistently good academic record set out in these Regulations.

Desirable Qualifications: i. Evidence of innovative library service and organization of published work.

ii. A minimum score as stipulated in the Academic Performance Indicator (API) based Performance Based Appraisal System (PBAS) developed by UGC in these Regulations shall be a mandatory requirement.

Experience Requirements: At least thirteen years’ as a Deputy Librarian in a university library or eighteen years’ experience as a College Librarian.

Age Limit: Not below 40 years.

Last Date: 01/29/2016

How to Apply: Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the below mentioned posts from 11/01/2016 to 29/01/2016 (till 4.30 p.m.) to be downloaded from university website (www.rbu.ac.in) and submitted to the Establishment Section of the University along with a Demand Draft of Rs. 300/- (Rupees Three Hundred only) (Rs.150/- for SC/ST/PWD) in favour of ‘RABINDRA BHARATI UNIVERSITY’ payable at ‘KOLKATA’ not later than 01/02/2016 (from 11 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. on all working days of the university). The applicants are requested to submit the duly filled-in application form with requisite testimonials along with Demand Draft and certificates along with 6(six) copies of application form (Application form + six photo copies of application form and one copy each of all mark sheets, certificates, age proof and other testimonials (1 set)).

General Instructions: The minimum requirement of 55% shall not be insisted upon for the existing incumbents who are already in the University system. However, the 55% mark will be insisted upon for those entering the system from outside. A relaxation of 5% marks will be provided at the master’s level (i.e. 55% to 50%) for SC/ST candidates. A relaxation of 5% mark may be provided to the Ph.D. degree holders who have passed their master’s degree prior to 19th September, 1991. Fulfillment of minimum qualifications does not guarantee a call for interview. The University reserves the right to decide the number of candidates to be called for interview for a particular post. Incomplete applications are liable to be cancelled. Candidates already in employment should apply through proper channel.

Details will be available at: http://rbu.ac.in/pdf/Officers_advertisement.pdf

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