Bridge Roof Company Recruitment- Manager, Engineer & More Posts – Last Date 8 April 2016

  • Mar 26, 2016
Location: West Bengal, IN
Organization Name: Bridge Roof Company Recruitment- Manager, Engineer & More Posts
Employment Type: Full-time

Bridge & Roof Company (India) Limited

Construction Manager (Civil)

Address: 5th Floor, Kankaria Centre 2/1, Russel Street, Kolkata ,West Bengal 700071

Pay Scale (Salary): E-4 Rs.29,100-3%-54,500

Educational Requirements: BE/ B.Tech (Civil)

Experience Requirements: Minimum 12 years experience in the field of Civil Engineering/Construction in all types of foundation including Pile foundation, substructure and super structure including building, earthen embankment and industrial RCC Structures. Preference will be given for the candidate who has handled project independently. Knowledge in computer operation/e-tendering will be preferred.

Age Limit: 47 Years

Last Date to Apply For This Job : 04/08/2016

How to Apply in Bridge & Roof Company (India) Limited: (I)All candidates must read the entire Advertisement and instructions/conditions carefully. Candidates are requested to send their Applications in prescribed format to General Manager (HR), BRIDGE AND ROOF CO.(INDIA) LTD., 5TH FLOOR, KANKARIA CENTRE, 2/1, RUSSEL STREET, KOLKATA – 700 071 within the last date of receipt i.e. 08/04/2016 in a sealed envelope, super-scribing the name of the post applied for and advertisement reference number.. (II) Completed applications must be sent with recent self-attested colour photograph and proof of age, experience, qualification, reserved category, passport copy etc., as applicable

General Instructions: · All selected candidates shall be required to serve minimum probationary period specified for the position in the Company to the satisfaction of the management prior to their confirmation. · Reservation / Relaxation Rules of Govt. of India will be followed for the persons belonging to Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST), Other Backward Class (OBC) and persons with disabilities in line with provisions of PWD Act, 1995 i.e. Orthopedically Handicapped(OH), Visually Handicapped(VH) & Hearing Handicapped(HH) categories.

· Besides the basic pay-scale mentioned above other benefits like variable DA, PF, LTC, Gratuity, Leave & Leave encashment etc are also admissible upon appointment in regular pay-scales, as per the regulations/amendments in force. Free bachelor / family accommodations as per Rules or HRA in lieu thereof will be provided. · Employees of the Central/State Govt./Public Undertaking should get their applications routed through Proper Channel to reach the Company on or before the last date prescribed. Direct application shall not be entertained in such cases.

· Selection will be made on the basis of interview / test and credential available with the candidate. · All appointments will be subject to the Rules& Regulations of the Company in force from time to time. · Mere application/nomination/call for interview/test does not confer any right to call for selection and employment. The selected candidates are also required to serve the necessary probation period. Further, they are subject to verification of all credentials prior to regularization of service, even upon provisional appointment. Canvassing in any form, false declarations, detected at any stage shall result in outright rejection/termination, besides initiation of relevant criminal proceedings. For administrative reasons, the company may have to resort to actions like short listing before calling for test / interview, making panel of selected candidates or to ask for applying afresh, as & when felt essential, at the sole discretion of management and no communication will be entertain in this regard.

· Company reserves the right to reject any /all application(s) without assigning any reason to call for interview or to alter the date of interview or to cancel the interview for the purpose. Outstation candidates called for the interview will be reimbursed to and fro 2AC train fare for executive post and 3AC train fare for others candidates on producing of original journey ticket by shortest route on through fare basis between communication address and place of interview / test.

· Application format is available only on Company’s Website till 5:30 p.m. on 08/04/2016. Interested Candidates shall apply only in the prescribed Format and affix a self attested passport size photograph. If selected, the candidates can be posted to any Unit / Project Site / location of the company. · Selected candidates may be offered for posting at the grade lower to the position applied for on the basis of their actual experience and qualification commensurate with the post. · Working knowledge of Computer operation is mandatory for all posts. · Medical fitness commensurate with construction activities is highly desirable and selected candidates will have to undergo mandatory screening prior to appointment. · Furnishing of false information or concealment / suppression of factual information will render the candidate unfit for employment and the Company will not be responsible for any consequence of furnishing of such wrong / false information.

· Incomplete or late applications will be summarily rejected and no communication will be entertained in this regard. Therefore, besides full particulars, candidates are to ensure correct Email id and Mobile Number accessed at all times till 31/03/2017

Job Details for Bridge & Roof Company (India) Limited Will Be Available At:

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