HPSSC Recruitment 2019 – Apply Online for 226 Assistant, Technician and Other Posts

  • Mar 04, 2019
Location: Himachal Pradesh, IN
Organization Name: Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission (HPSSC)
Employment Type: Full-time

Name of the Post: HPSSC Various Vacancies 2019

Post Date04-03-2019

Total Vacancy226

Information: Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission (HPSSC) has declared the notification for the recruitment of Language Teacher, Mechanic, Lab Asst, Technician, & Other vacancies on contract basis. Qualification required is 10+2, NTC/ ITI, 10+2, Diploma, Bachelor Degree, BA with D.El.Ed/ B.Ed/ MA with B.Ed. The minimum age limit required is 18 years. The interested candidates can apply online from 05-03-2019.

Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission (HPSSC)

Various Vacancies 2019


Application Fee

  • For General: Rs.360/-
  • For General IRDP, PH & Other: Rs. 120/-
  • For SC/ST/OBC of HP: Rs. 120/-
  • For Ex Serviceman of HP: Nill
  • Payment Mode: Online Payment Gateway/ Offline computer generated Challan/ Lokmitra Kendra

Important Dates

  • Date of Notification: 01-03-2019
  • Starting Date for Apply Online: 05-03-2019
  • Last Date to Apply Online: 04-04-2019 till 11:59 PM

Age Limit (as on 01-01-2019)

  • Minimum Age Limit for All Posts: 18 Years
  • Maximum Age Limit for All Posts: 45 Years
  • For Post Code 738: 18-30 Years
  • Age relaxation is admissible for SC/ST/OBC/ PH/ Ex-servicemen candidates as per rules.
Vacancy Details
Post Code Post Name Total Qualification
730 Language Teacher 155 BA with D.El.Ed/ B.Ed/ MA with B.Ed
731 Mechanic (Electrical) 01 10+2, NTC/ ITI
732 Mechanic (Printing) 01 10+2, NTC/ ITI
733 Copy Holder 01 10+2
734 Dispenser 02 Matriculate with Science, Diploma (Pharmacy)
735 Laboratory Assistant 06 10+2, Diploma (Pharmacy)
736 Laboratory Technician 04 D.Pharmacy
737 Sr. Scientist (Drugs) 02 Degree/ PG (Medicine/ Science)
738 Fitter 28 Matric with ITI (Fitter)
739 Hostel Warden 03 Bachelor Degree
740 Assistant Video Cameraman 01 Matriculation, Diploma (Cinematography)
741 Laboratory Assistant(Biology & Serology) 01 B.Sc (Medical)
742 Technical Assistant 03 Matric, Diploma (Electrical Engg.)/ B.E/ B.Tech (Electrical)
743 Junior Environmental Engineer 14 first Class Bachelor’s Degree (Chemical, Environmental, Civil, Industrial/ Mechanical Engineering).
744 Electrician 01 ITI Certificate in the trade with four years experience in the line
745 Civil Defence Instructor/ Chief Instructor/ Platoon Commander/ Administrative Officer/ Asst Store Officer 03 10+2, Holding honorary Rank of Platoon Commander or above/ serving Havildar Instructor/Quarter Master Havildar

Selection Procedure

1. The Written Objective type Screening test of two hours duration will consist of 170 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) of 85 marks. Each question will be of ½ marks. The skill tests /physical standard and efficiency test etc. wherever applicable will be of qualifying nature for those who qualify the Written Objective type Screening Test.

2. Evaluation of 15 marks in respect of shortlisted candidates after qualifying written objective screening test / subjective tests and skill tests/physical/practical tests, if any.

How to Apply

1. The candidates must read the instructions carefully, which are also available on the website of the HPSSC, i.e. http://www.hpsssb.hp.gov.in before filling up Online Recruitment Application Forms (ORA) for the post(s) concerned.

2. The candidates are advised to apply online well in time without waiting for the last date of submission of online application.

3. The candidate should enter his/her particulars i.e. Name, Father’s Name, Mother’s Name & Date of Birth as per his/her Matric Certificate and upload scanned photograph and scanned signature. The size of scanned photograph should be less than 20 kb and size of scanned signature should be less than 10kb.

4. The candidates must ensure their eligibility in respect of category, experience, age and essential qualifications(s), etc. as mentioned against each post in the advertisement to avoid rejection at later stage.

5. Incomplete Online Recruitment Applications submitted without requisite examination fee, scanned photograph & scanned signatures of prescribed size, will be rejected straightway.

6. The benefit of reservation for various post(s) will be admissible only to the candidates, who are bonafide residents of Himachal Pradesh in respect of categories, viz., S.C., S.T., O.B.C., Ex-Servicemen, WFF and Physically Disabled (Orthopedically Disabled/ Visually Impaired/ Blind / Hearing Impaired / Deaf & Dumb)/ BPL etc.

7. The candidate should possess requisite essential qualification(s) prescribed for the post(s) for which he/she wants to apply as on closing date fixed for submission of Online Recruitment Applications (ORA).

8. No. of post(s) is/ are tentative and may increase or decrease from time to time for different categories of posts. Any fresh requisitions received from any requisitioning authorities for the posts having common/similar R & P Rules shall be included in the present number of posts upto 30.06.2019 or the date of written objective screening test whichever is earlier. Therefore, all the candidates are requested to apply under their respective category (s) as the post of any reserved category can be included to be filled up on the basis of this advertisement. The number of vacancies & reservation of post is liable to be altered without any notice.

9. The candidate is allowed to submit only one application form against each post. Multiple applications Form for same post of a candidate are liable to be rejected.

10. The application forms through fax/post shall not be entertained and the commission does not take responsibility to inform such candidates.

11. Married daughters/ grand-daughters of freedom fighters and Ex-serviceman are entitled for reservation under Ward of Freedom Fighter and Ward of Ex-Serviceman category respectively subject to the final out come of LPA No. 215/2015 titled as State of HP V/S Smt. Jyoti Kumari & ors pending before the Hon’ble High Court of H.P. and SLP No. 31435 /2016 titled as State of HP & ors V/s Nelam Kumari pending before the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India. Preference will be given to the children of Freedom Fighters over Grand Children.

12. Eligibility for vacancies in Sub-Category of SPORTSMAN shall be as per the norms framed by department of Youth Service and Sports.

13. The Commission reserves the right to dispense with the written examination for any post keeping in view the number of applicants viz-aviz vacancies & other circumstances.

14. The certificate of Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, Other Backward Classes should be on parental basis, failing which candidature of such candidates will be rejected.

15. The candidates belonging to OBC of HP Category must produce OBC certificate(s) on the prescribed format, which should not be more than one year old at the time of last date fixed for submission of Online Recruitment Application. The validity of the certificate is required to be seen at the time of Evaluation of 15 marks. The candidates are also required to produce the old certificate of the time of filling of the application.

Important Links
Apply Online Available on 05-03-2019
Notification Click Here
Official Website Click Here


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