Sainik School Kodagu Recruitment 2018 – Apply for 9 PGT, TGT, Craft Instructor & Other Posts

  • Oct 01, 2018
Location: Karnataka, IN
Organization Name: Sainik School, Kodagu
Employment Type: Full-time

Name of the Post: Sainik School, Kodagu Various Vacancies

Post Date: 01-10-2018

Total Vacancy: 09

Information: Ministry of Defence, Sainik School, Kodagu has published the notification for the recruitment of PGT, TGT, Craft Instructor, Band/ Music Master & Ward Boy vacancies on contract basis. Qualification required is Diploma, B.Sc, BCA, BE/ B.Tech/ MCA/ M.Sc with relevant experience, Diploma/ Degree, BA.B.Ed, CTET/ TET, Matriculation/ Equivalent, Trade certificate, Higher Secondary with Degree/ Diploma or Intermediate or equivalent. The minimum age required is 18 years. The salary given for the post of PGT is Rs.30,000/- PM, TGT is Rs.28,000/- PM, Band/Music Master is Rs.25,000/- PM, Craft Instructor is Pay Rs.25,000/- PM & Ward Boy is Rs.18,000/- PM. Closing date for acceptance of application is 20-10-2018 (Saturday).

Sainik School, Kodagu

Various Vacancies Vacancies 2018

Application Fee

  • Candidates should pay Rs.200/- through Demand Draft drawn in favour of the Principal, Sainik School, Kodagu.

Important Dates

  • Last Date for Receipt of Applications: 20-10-2018 (Saturday).

Age Limit (as on 01-10-2018)

  • For the Posts 01 to 04: 18 to 35 Years
  • For the Posts 01 to 05: 18 to 50 Years.
Vacancy Details
Sl No Post Name Total Qualification
1 PGT (Comp. Science) 01 Diploma, B.Sc, BCA, BE/ B.Tech/ MCA/ M.Sc with relevant experience
2 TGT (English) 01 Diploma/ Degree, BA.B.Ed, CTET/ TET
3 Craft Instructor 01 Matriculation/ Equivalent, Trade certificate
4 Band/ Music Master 01 Higher Secondary with Degree/ Diploma
5 Ward Boy 01 Intermediate or equivalent

How to Apply

(a) Eligible and interested candidates may apply in the application form available for download in the (b) A self addressed envelope to be submitted along with the application duly affixing Rs.25/- worth Postal Stamps to “The Prrincipal, Sainik School Kodagu, PO:Kudige, SomwarpetTaluk, Dist. Kodagu, Karnataka, PIN – 571 232” along with Demand Draft Rs.200/- Non-refundable drawn in favour of ‘The Principal Sainik School Kodagu’ payable at Kushalnagar Branch (Karnataka State). Applications without Demand Draft will not be entertained.

(b) Shortlisted candidates will be called for selection tests (Written Test, Interview & demonstration).

(c) No TA / DA will be admissible for attending the selection tests.

(d) Selected candidates should be ready to accept responsibilities in a residential school.

(e) Only Indian Nationals are to apply.

(f) The school administration reserves the right to cancel any or all vacancies due to administrative reasons.

Important Instructions

(a) Applicants are to clearly mention their Email ID and Mobile Number in the Application Form to enable the school to communicate schedule of selection tests at short notice to the shortlisted candidates.

(b) Shortlisted Applicants are to bring their testimonials in original at the time of attending the selection test in support of their qualifications / experience as mentioned in the application failing which their candidature will not be entertained.

(c) Candidates are to enclose the following documents along with the application:

(i) Demand Draft for Rs.200/- drawn in favour of ‘the Principal , Sainik School Kodagu’ payable at Kushalnagar Branch (Karnataka State)

(ii) Pass port size photograph pasted at the space provided in the application form

(iii) Self addressed envelope with stamps worth ₹25/-.

(iv) Copies of educational and experience certificates.

Important Links
Notification Click Here
Official Website Click Here


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