Department of Science, Technology & Environment, Recruitment For Lab Attendant – Puducherry

  • Aug 12, 2015
Location: Puducherry, IN
Organization Name: Department of Science, Technology & Environment, Recruitment For Lab Attendant
Employment Type: Full-time

Laboratory Attendant

Hiring Organisation: Department of Science, Technology & Environment

Salary: INR Rs.5200-20200 +Grade Pay R.1800/-Department of Science, Technology and Environment, Puducherry Housing Board Complex, 3 rd Floor, Anna Nagar, Nellithope, Puducherry 605005 India

Education Requirements: A Pass in S.S.L.C. or equivalent.

Age Limit: Between 18 and 30 years as on 11. 09. 2015 which is the last date of receipt of applications. Age limit is relaxable in acordance with instructions/orders issued by the Govt. of India/Govt. of Puducherry from time to time. Relaxable to Govt. Servants upto 40 years in accordance with the instructions/orders issued by the Central Govt.

Last Date: 11-September-2015
No Of Post: 01

General Information:

1. The application should be filled in neatly and legibly without any overwriting/erasers in Block letters only using a Ball-point pen.

2. No original certifictes shoud be sent along with the application.

3. Original certificates will have to be produced at the time of verification of certificates.

4. Persons who are already in service in any Central/State Governent Departments/Public Sector Undertakings should send their application through proper channel before the due date.

5. Applications received after the due date will be summarily rejected. Similarly incomplete applications and applications without the required certificates will also be rejected.

6. No correspondence will be entertained with regard to the recruitment process.

7. Change of Address, if any, after submission of the application should be intimated to the Department or otherwise the Department will not be responsible for any delay/non-delivery of letters.

8. The Department reserves the right to enhance/reduce the number of vacancies and also to cancel the recruitment process without assigning any reasons therefor. No enquiries will be entertined in this regard.

How To Apply:

Candidates can download the application from the following website, which will be available from 12 /08/2015 to 11/09/2015. Candidates who have fulfilled the above conditions may submit their duly filled in application to the Director, Department of Science, Technology and Environment, Puducherry, Puducherry Housing Board Complex, 3rd Floor, Anna Nagar, Nellthope, Puducherry -605005 on or before 5.45 pm on 11/09/2015 along with self attested copies of the Certificates.

Details will be available at:

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