CBRI Recruitment 2018 – Walk in for 48 Project Assistant, Research Associate and Senior Research Fellow Posts

  • Nov 03, 2018
Location: New Delhi, Delhi, IN
Organization Name: Central Building Research Institute (CBRI)
Employment Type: Full-time

Name of the Post: CBRI Project Assistant, Research Associate and Senior Research Fellow Walk in 2018

Post Date: 03-11-2018

Total Vacancy: 48

Information: Central Building Research Institute (CBRI) has published the notification for the recruitment of Project Assistant, Research Associate and Senior Research Fellow vacancies. Qualification required is Candidates should possess Diploma, B. Arch, B.Sc, B.E./ B.Tech, M.Sc/ M. Tech (Relevant Disciplines), M. Arch, Ph.D with NET/GATE. The age limit is required minimum will be 28 years and maximum will be 35 years. The interested candidates can walk in for the interview at 12-11-2018 to 15-11-2018 at 8.00 A.M. to 9.00 A.M.

Central Building Research Institute (CBRI)

Project Assistant, Research Associate and Senior Research Fellow Vacancies 2018


Important Dates

  • Date of Interview: 12-11-2018 to 15-11-2018
  • Time of Registration/Interview: 8.00 A.M. to 9.00 A.M

Age Limit (as on as on date of interview)

  • Minimum Age Limit: 28 Years
  • Maximum Age Limit: 35 Years
  • Age relaxation is admissible for SC/ST/OBC/ PH/ Ex-servicemen candidates as per rules.


  • Candidates should possess Diploma, B. Arch, B.Sc, B.E./ B.Tech, M.Sc/ M. Tech (Relevant Disciplines), M. Arch, Ph.D with NET/GATE.
Vacancy Details
Sl No Fixed Stipend Per Month Post Name Total
1 Rs.15,000/- Project Assistant (Level –I) 08
2 Rs.25,000/- Project Assistant (Level –II) 30
3 Rs.28,000/ Project Assistant (Level –III) 06
4 Rs.36,000/- Research Associate-I 03
5 Rs.28,000/- Senior Research Fellow (Project) 01

Important Details

1. Place of Interview : CSIR-CBRI, Roorkee.

2. Age Limit : Age will be reckoned on the date of interview which is relaxable upto 5 years in case of the candidates belonging to SC / ST / OBC / PH and Female Community.

3. General Conditions : The position of Project Assistants is for a specific duration for the GAP / Sponsored and the CSIR Network Projects. Subsequently, if work and conduct of these Project Assistants are found upto the mark, their tenure may be extended for further period or till the duration of the Project whichever is earlier and will be co-terminus with the expiry of the Project and will not exceed Five Years in any circumstances and will not confer any right, explicitly or implicitly, for regular absorption in the Institute/CSIR or in the sponsoring organizations. The award of Project Assistantship / Fellowship / Associatship does not imply any assurance or guarantee for subsequent employment by CSIR, CBRI or sponsoring organization. No TA will be paid for appearing in the interview. Director, CSIR-CBRI reserves the right not to fill-up these positions or any one amongst them, if he so decides. The requirement of the positions are variable. A candidate who claims to belong to OBC has to submit in support of his/her claim in an attested copy of a Certificate for Current Year in the prescribed form issued for the jobs under Central Govt. to the effect that He / She does not belong to the Persons/ Sections (Creamy Layer). Candidates are free to take their interview either in Hindi or in English as a medium of conversation. Candidates reaching the venue after Scheduled time for Registration will not be allowed get registered and to appear before the Selection Committee for interview under any circumstance. Parents, siblings and friends of the candidates will not be allowed to enter the premises of the Institute during the time of registration and interview.

4. Procedure of Selection : Interested candidates may appear for walk-in-interview before the Selection Committee at CSIR-CBRI, Roorkee on the date and time as mentioned above along with original documents and six copies of bio-data (One copy of bio-data duly affixed with a latest passport size photograph and supported by self-attested photocopies of certificates, mark sheets and other relevant documents) giving following information on one side of A-4 size paper.

5. Bio-data Format : (1) Advt. No., (2) Post applied for, (3) Name of Candidate, (4) Father’s Name & occupation, (5) Date & Place of Birth, (6) Age as on the date of interview, (7) Nationality, (8) Sex (Male/Female), (9) Category (SC/ST/OBC/PH/Gen.), (10) Present Postal address with PIN Code, (11) Permanent address with PIN Code, (12) Contact Nos. : (Telephone/Mobile/Fax/e-mail) if any, (13) Details of Qualifications : (Xth Standard onwards giving – Exam passed, Duration of Course, Subject, Year of passing, Division/Grade, % of marks and Name of Board/ University), (14) Details of experience including period of project assistantship availed in any CSIR Lab. / Institute, if any giving – Name of Employer / Organization, Designation & Pay-scale etc., Period of service : (From – To), and Nature of duties, (15) Name of close relative employed in CBRI / CSIR or its National Labs./Instts. Giving – Name, Designation, Name of Lab./Instt. in which employed and Relationship, (16) Any other additional information, (17) List of enclosures and (18) Signature of Candidate with date.

6. In case of dispute English Version will prevail.

Important Links
Notification Click Here
Official Website Click Here


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