CCRAS Recruitment 2018 – Walk in for 62 Senior Research Fellow and Multi Tasking Attendant Posts

  • Oct 06, 2018
Location: Nagpur, Maharashtra, IN
Organization Name: Regional Ayurveda Research Institute for Mother & Child Health
Employment Type: Full-time

Name of the Post: RARIMCH SRF & Multi Tasking Attendant Walk in

Post Date: 06-10-2018

Total Vacancy: 62

Information: Regional Ayurveda Research Institute for Mother & Child Health (RARIMCH) has published the notification for the recruitment of Senior Research Fellow (SRF), Multi Tasking Attendant vacancies on contractual basis. Qualification required is BAMS, 10th CLass, Computer Knowledge. The age limit for the post of Senior Research Fellow is 35 years and for Multi Tasking Attendant is 30 years. The pay scale for the post of Senior Research Fellow is Rs.28,000/- and for Multi Tasking Attendant is Rs.16,000/-  The interested candidates walkin for the interview for Senior Research Fellow at 15-11-2018 and for Multi Tasking Attendant at 18-11-2018.

Regional Ayurveda Research Institute for Mother & Child Health

SRF & Multi Tasking Attendant Vacancies 2018

Important Dates


  • Date of Written Test/ Interview for Sl No.01: 15-11-2018
  • Date of Written Test/ Interview for Sl No.02: 18-11-2018
Age Limit (As on 01-10-2018)


  • For Sl No.1: 35 Years
  • For Sl No.2: 30 Years
  • Age Relaxation is applicable as per rules.
Vacancy Details
Sl No Post Name Total Qualification
1 Senior Research Fellow 31 BAMS
2 Multi Tasking Attendant 31 10th CLass, Computer Knowledge

General Conditions

1. A ge limit o f the candidate will be determ ined as on 01-10-2018. Relaxable in case o f SC/ST/O BC as per Govt, rules.

2. A ppointm ent will be initially for a period for six months w hich m ay be curtailed or extended at the discretion o f the com petent authority and their engagem ent will be co-term inus with the project.

3. The engagem ent to above post will be purely on contractual basis and no right to claim for continuation or regularization o f appointm ent.

4. W ritten exam ination will be conducted for SRF on 15th N ovem ber 2018 and For M TA on 18th N ovem ber 2018.

5. List o f scrutinized candidates for written exam will be displayed on CCRAS website. w

6. List o f qualified candidates after written test will be displayed on CCRAS website.

7. A nsw er key will be displayed on C ouncil’s website and candidates can apply for any objection, within three days o f publication o f result.

8. Applicants should bring their Bio-data along with original certificates, experience certificate etc. with a set o f photo copies and recent passport size photograph at the tim e o f interview.

9. N o TA/DA will be paid for attending the written test/interview.

10. The application form at may be dow nloaded from C ouncil’s w ebsite

11. O fficer in-charge, RARIM CH, N agpur reserves the rights to postpone or cancel the test and interview, without assigning any reason there of.

Important Links
 Notification Click Here
  Official Website Click here 


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