IIT Kanpur Vacancies For Senior Project Engineer – Uttar Pradesh

  • Nov 21, 2015
Location: Uttar Pradesh, IN
Organization Name: IIT Kanpur Vacancies For Senior Project Engineer
Employment Type: Full-time

Senior Project Engineer

Hiring Organisation: Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Salary: INR Rs. 27000-2700-54000

Address: Kalyanpur Kanpur Uttar Pradesh 208016

Education Requirements: PhD or M. Tech. with 3 year experience.

Experience Requirements: Candidate should have previous hands on research experience in one or more of: Microstructure Characterization, Metal Processing and Heat Treatments, Spectrocopy techniques including EDS, WDS and OES, Thermodynamics and kinetics software The research profile under this project includes diffusion studies in alloys, microstructural characterization (using optical microscopy, SEM and TEM), Heat Treatments of Al-alloys and steels, developing thermodynamic and kinetic models and carrying out simulations etc. The candidate is expected to be self-driven for conducting research and publishing his/her work in high quality scientific journals and conferences. The candidate should have demonstrated verbal and writing skills in communicating results of his/her own research.

Desirable Qualifications: Preferably PhD in Metallurgical Engineering, Materials Science or any relevant discipline.

Head Skills: A good background in mathematics is preferred. Proficiency in written and spoken English is mandatory.

Last Date: 27-November-2015

How To Apply: Those interested must submit their application by e-mail, list of 3 references (emails and phone numbers) and copies of professional academic record (marksheets/ certificates) to reach the undersigned latest by 5:00 PM on November 27th , 2015. The applications can be sent via email to kkaustub@iitk.ac.in.

Details will be available at: http://www.iitk.ac.in/dord/project/mse10_11_15.html

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