Indian Army Vacancy 2019: Online Application for 152 Junior Commissioned Officer (Religious Teacher) Posts--Online Link Released

  • Sep 27, 2019
Location: IN
Organization Name: Indian Army
Employment Type: Full-time

Name of the Post: Indian Army Religious Teacher Online Form 2019

Post Date: 27-09-2019

Total Vacancies: 152

Information: Indian Army has given a notification for the recruitment of Junior Commissioned Officer (Religious Teacher) Vacancies. The candidate should possess Graduation in any discipline from a recognized university. Those Candidates who are interested in the vacancy & completed all eligibility criteria can Apply Online from 30-09-2019.

Indian Army

Jr Commissioned Officer (Religious Teacher) 2019

Important Dates

  • Staring Date to Apply Online: 30-09-2019 at 10:00 Hrs
  • Last Date to Apply Online: 29-10-2019 at 17:00 Hrs
  • Date for Written Exam: 23-02-2020

Age Limit as on 01-10-2020

  • Minimum: 25 Years
  • Maximum: 34 Years
  • i.e. candidates born between 01-10-1986 and 30-09-1995 inclusive of both dates.


  • Candidates should possess Graduation in any discipline from a recognized university.
Vacancy Details
Junior Commissioned Officer (Religious Teacher)
Category Name Total
Pandit 118
Pandit (Gorkha) for Gorkha Regiments 07
Granthi 09
Maulvi (Sunni) 09
Maulvi (Shia) for Ladakh Scouts 01
Padre 04
Bodh Monk (Mahayana) for Ladakh Scouts 04

Procedure for Applying Online

For registering online, visit the website and proceed as follow: -

(a) Click on the portion "Apply Online‟ on the home page in JCO/ OR enrolment row (green coloured).

(b) Fill the online registration form. Tips to assist in filling up field have been provided as you highlight each field.

(c) After filling the details, your profile will open.

(d) Click on Apply Online. As per your eligibility, the options with caption Apply Online will appear. Click on the Button to apply and details filled in during registration will come as prefilled. Fill the balance details on each tab like contact details and education details etc.

(e) After filling the form, click on preview and check if all the information entered by you is correct as you will not be able to make any correction after saving.

(f) Candidates can log in by using the e-mail id and password and candidates can take the print out of the application form any time.

(g) Once the registration closes on the last day, system will generate Roll Number for eligible candidates.

(h) Applicants are advised to check the profile on for obtaining Roll Number.

(j) Admit Card is generated when the rally is scheduled.

(k) Applicants are advised to check the profile on for Admit Card.

(l) The candidates are required to print one copy of Admit Card and affix their recent passport size photograph on it.

Terms of Enrollment

(a) Candidates finally selected will be enrolled as JCO (RT) and will undergo 06 weeks of Basic Training at BEG and Centre, Kirkee followed by 11 weeks of training specific to religious denominations as applied by the candidates at Institute of National Integration (INI), Pune.

(b) On successful completion of training the candidates will be commissioned as Religious Teachers in the rank of Naib Subedar as per existing terms and conditions. Rejection can take place at any stage during training also.

Important Links
Apply Online Click Here
Notification Click Here
Official Website Click Here


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