Jharkhand High Court Ranchi Recruitment – English Stenographers (149 Vacancies) – Last Date 24 May 2018

  • May 07, 2018
Location: Ranchi, Jharkhand, IN
Organization Name: Jharkhand High Court Ranchi Recruitment
Employment Type: Full-time

Jharkhand High Court Ranchi Recruitment – English Stenographers (149 Vacancies) – Last Date 24 May 2018

Jharkhand High Court Ranchi Recruitment Details

English Stenographers (For Civil Courts & Family Courts) - Graduate

Address: Jharkhand High Court, Doranda, (India), Ranchi, Jharkhand  834 033

Pay Scale ( वेतन ) : English Stenographers for Civil Courts Rs. 25,500/- to Rs. 81,100/- and for Family Courts: Rs. 19,900/- to Rs. 63,200/-

Eligibility Criteria ( योग्यता ) : Candidates must be Graduate from a recognized University on/before the last date of submission of online application, having proficiency in english shorthand and in typing. The speed of shorthand would be 100 WPM (words per minute) and typing would be 40 WPM (words per minute) in English on computer with maximum permissible mistakes upto 10%. 2. Candidates must be well acquainted with the computer application. 3. The candidates should possess sound health, good moral character and should not be involved in, or related to any criminal case or any type involving moral turpitude.

No of Govt Vacancies ( रिक्तियों की संख्या ) : 149

Age Limit ( आयु सीमा ) : The candidates must be 18 or above years of age but not more than the age of 35 years in case of General category, 37 years age in case of B.C.-I and B.C.–II category, 38 years in case of female (General, B.C.-I and B.C.-II) and 40 years in case of S.T. and S.C. category, as on 01.01.2018. The Physically disabled candidates will get a further age relaxation of five (05) years

Last Date to Apply for This Job ( अंतिम तारीख ) : 24/05/2018

How to Apply in Jharkhand High Court Ranchi ( आवेदन कैसे करे ) : Eligible candidates are required to submit online application for the recruitment process of English Stenographers for Civil Courts & Family Courts of the State of Jharkhand, Ranchi. The application received through any other means will not be entertained or accepted. Starting date of Online application : 10.05.2018 Closing date of Online application : 24.05.2018

General Instructions ( सामान्य निर्देश ) : Candidate is advised to go through the requirements of eligibility, age etc. and satisfy himself/ herself that he/ she is eligible before applying. Copies of supporting documents, along with their originals, will be sought from those candidates who qualify for Personality Test/ Viva voce. At the time of scrutiny, if any claim made in the application is not found substantiated, the candidature will be cancelled and no further claim will be entertained in this regard. The High Court’s decision in this regard shall be final and binding

Click for Sarkari Naukri Detail: https://jharkhandhighcourt.nic.in/node/display_pdf/STENO_01_2018

Jharkhand High Court Ranchi recruits English Stenographers Post. Candidate with Graduate experience can apply.

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