Naval Dockyard Mumbai Vacancy 2019 – Online Application for Apprentice 1233 Posts – Last Date Extended

  • Sep 03, 2019
Location: Mumbai, Maharashtra, IN
Organization Name: Naval Dockyard Mumbai
Employment Type: Full-time

Name of the Post: Naval Dockyard, Mumbai Apprentice Online Form 2019

Post Date: 03-09-2019

Total Vacancy: 1233

Information: Naval Dockyard, Mumbai has given a notification for the recruitment of Apprentice vacancies in Designated Trades & Non Designated Trades for enrolment into Apprenticeship training at Dockyard Apprentice School. The qualification required is ITI (Relevant Trades). Those Candidates who are interested in the vacancy & completed all eligibility criteria can Apply Online from 02-09-2019 to 20-09-2019.

Naval Dockyard, Mumbai

Apprentice Vacancies 2019

Important Dates
  • Starting Date for Apply Online: 02-09-2019
  • Last Date to Apply Online: 20-09-2019 (Extended to 27-09-2019 till 23:59 Hrs)
Age Limit
  • Candidates should born between 01-04-1993 to 31-03-2006
  • Age relaxation is applicable as per rules.
  • Candidates should possess ITI (Relevant Trades).
Vacancy Details
Post Name Total
Apprentice (Designated Trades) 855
Apprentice Two Year Training 78
Apprentice (Non-Designated Trades) 300

General Information

(a) Candidates are to apply online only through No physical forms would be accepted. Candidates who have appeared in the final semester of ITI and whose results are awaited are also eligible to apply online. Candidature of such candidates for apprenticeship would be declared void if, at a later date, they are declared failed in their ITI examination result, when declared whether during the process of enrolment or during apprenticeship training, if selected.

(b) Candidates are not required to pay any fee for the examination.

(c) Mere submission of online application form, receipt of 'acknowledgement', receipt of admit card and appearance in examination does not guarantee enrolment for Designated Trades apprenticeship training. The selection of candidates will be made based on merit position considering available vacancies category-wise, scrutiny of original credentials, clear police verification report & medical test etc.

(d) Candidates are not required to send hard copy of application & admit card to Naval Dockyard. The same are to be retained by the candidates and produced at the time of document verification.

(e) Candidates are required to check up the website for submitting online applications and for any updates & changes.

(f) Candidates are required to give their personal valid mobile number and eMail ID for receiving periodical notices/updates.

(g) Written examination would be Multiple Choice Question type and OMR answer sheets based. There will be NO negative marking.

(h) Canvassing of any kind will disqualify the candidate. Selection process will be done strictly on merit. Candidates are advised not to fall prey to any unscrupulous elements.

(i) Candidates will be permitted to enter the examination hall only with valid Admit Card, downloaded and printed by candidate, bearing clear Photograph and signature. While uploading documents, candidates are advised to ensure that their clear Photograph and signature have been uploaded for printing on the Admit Card.

(j) The candidates must not attempt impersonation or take help of any impersonator at any stage of the selection process or try to copy from neighboring candidates, books and use of any electronic gadgets.

(k) Any material suppression of facts or submitting forged certificates shall lead to rejection of candidature at any stage of the selection process.

(l) If any candidate is found using any type of unfair means during the examination, the candidate shall be summarily debarred and shall not be allowed to appear in any examination / written test conducted by Indian Navy in the future.

(m) Decision of Admiral Superintendent, Naval Dockyard, Mumbai in all matters relating to the eligibility, acceptance / rejection of any application, allotment of language, examination centre etc. will be final and binding on the candidate and no inquiry/correspondence shall be entertained in this regard.

(n) Any subsequent changes in the terms and conditions of the engagement of Designated Trade Apprentices as per the extant rules will stand good. Indian Navy reserves the right to incorporate any subsequent changes / modifications / additions in the terms & conditions under this advertisement notice as necessitated and applicable. Any corrigendum will be published on the website

(o) Candidates applying for the written examination should ensure that they fulfill all the eligibility criteria for admission for the examination. Their admission at all the stages of examination will be purely provisional, subject to their satisfying the prescribed eligibility conditions. If, on verification of documents, at any time before or after the written examination, it is found that the candidate does not fulfill any of the eligibility conditions, his / her candidature for the examination shall be cancelled by Indian Navy / Admiral Superintendent, Naval Dockyard, Mumbai.

Important Links
Apply Online Designated | Non Designated
Notification Designated | Non Designated
Official Site Click Here


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