NHM Odisha Recruitment 2018 – Walk in for 8 Consultant, Audiologist and Speech Therapist Posts

  • Oct 22, 2018
Location: Bhubaneswar, Orissa, IN
Organization Name: National Health Mission, Odisha
Employment Type: Full-time

Name of the Post: NHM, Odisha Consultant, Audiologist and Speech Therapist Walk in

Post Date: 22-10-2018

Total Vacancy: 08

Information: Odisha State Health & Family Welfare Society, National Health Mission, Odisha has published the recruitment of Consultant, Audiologist and Speech Therapist vacancies on contractual basis. Qualification required is MBA, PG Diploma, Master Degree, B.Sc., MSc. (Nursing) with Diploma or Degree, Bachelor Degree. The interested candidates can walk in for the interview. The venue is Mission Directorate (National Health Mission), Annex Building of SIH&FW, Nayapalli, Unit-8, Bhubaneswar, Dist.- Khordha, Pin – 751012, Odisha.

National Health Mission, Odisha 

Consultant, Audiologist & Speech Therapist Vacancies 2018


Important Dates

  • Date & Time of Interview for Consultant (CPS)30-10-2018
  • Date & Time of Interview for Consultant – Nursing31-10-2018
  • Date & Time of Interview for Audiologist & Speech Therapist – DEIC01-11-2018
  • Venue: Mission Directorate (National Health Mission), Annex Building of SIH&FW, Nayapalli, Unit-8, Bhubaneswar, Dist.- Khordha, Pin – 751012, Odisha.

Age Limit (as on 01-09-2018)

  • Age Limit for Consultant (CPS): Upto 40 Years
  • Age Limit for Consultant – Nursing: Upto 40 Years
  • Age Limit for Audiologist & Speech Therapist – DEIC: Upto 35 Years
Vacancy Details
Sl No Post Name Total Remuneration Qualification
1 Consultant (CPS) 01 Rs.48,510/-+PI MBA, PG Diploma, Master Degree
2 Consultant – Nursing 01 Rs.55,456/-+PI B.Sc., MSc. (Nursing) with Diploma or Degree (relevant Disciplines) with experience
3 Audiologist & Speech Therapist – DEIC 06 Rs. 24,696/+PI Bachelor Degree (Audiology & Speech language pathology)

General Information

i. Candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria may appear for registration in between 10.30 A.M. to 12 Noon and consequently for Interview if eligible, on the date as mentioned against each post. No registration will be allowed in any case after scheduled date & time of registration. After short listing basing on the required eligibility criteria, the candidates will be required to stay back for interview. If the number of candidates registered and shortlisted will be high, then the interview will be continued for other date/s, which will be notified to the candidates on the date of registration.

ii. Candidates are required to come for interview with duly filled in application in prescribed format, available in the official website: www.nrhmorissa.gov.in and bring all certificates / testimonials, in original and a set of self attested photocopies of the same, in support of age, qualification and experience etc., for verification. Candidates are also required to bring two recent passport size colour photographs and self photo ID proof (Voter ID card / PAN card / Driving License / Aadhar card / Passport). Incomplete application in any form will be rejected.

iii. The candidate has to exhibit requisite documents / experience certificates which shall clearly establish his/her eligibility as per conditions as above, without which his/her candidature shall be rejected. The experience certificate of the Employer/s must clearly specify the period of incumbency, name of the post and nature of responsibility.

iv. Details of vacancy, eligibility, ToR, age, application form etc. can be downloaded from the official website (www.nrhmorissa.gov.in).

v. In case the marks obtained are in the form of CGPA, OGPA, DGPA, GPA, CPI etc., a certificate for conversion as applicable to percentage of marks shall be submitted at the time of submission of application form. Certification towards AICTE / UGC recognition of Institutions / Universities shall also be submitted at the time of submission of application form, wherever applicable, without which the application shall not be considered & shall be rejected.

vi. Candidates who are over aged, under qualified, not having requisite percentage of marks, not having requisite experience etc. need not apply.

vii. Candidates, who are already working in Health Department either on regular or on contractual basis, have to submit No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the employer (appointing authority) at the time of interview, without which they will not be eligible for appearing interview. NOC issued by any other authority other than appointing authority will not be accepted. NOC must be specific for the post, S/He applying and must be issued subsequent to issue of the advertisement.

viii. If any candidate is found to have suppressed any material information or furnished false information / documents, his/her case shall not be considered for the post applied for and in case already engaged on the basis of the said information / documents, his / her service shall be terminated from the Society forthwith. Candidates who have been disengaged earlier from the OSH&FW Society on administrative ground such as disobedience / poor performances/ misbehavior/ criminal activity etc. are not eligible.

ix. No personal correspondence / queries will be entertained. All communication will be made through e-mail / official website / Notice Board. Canvassing in any form will render the candidate disqualified for the position.

x. The panel for above positions shall also remain valid for similar post / in other programmes under NHM ambit with same educational qualification and same remuneration, as will be decided by the Society.

xi. Number of vacancies / remuneration as mentioned under this advertisement may vary at the time of actual engagement.

xii. The undersigned reserves the right to cancel this advertisement for contractual recruitment at any stage of recruitment process without assigning any reason thereof.

xiii. The result of walk-in-Interview will be published in the official website of NHM.

Important Links
Notification Click Here
Official Website Click Here


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