NIE Recruitment 2018 – Walk in for 12 Technician and Junior Nurse Posts

  • Oct 10, 2018
Location: Chennai, Tamil Nadu, IN
Organization Name: National Institute of Epidemiology (NIE)
Employment Type: Full-time

Name of the Post: NIE Technician, Jr Nurse Walk in

Post Date: 10-10-2018

Total Vacancy: 12

Information: ICMR - National Institute of Epidemiology (NIE) has declared the notification for the recruitment of Technician-II, III & Junior Nurse vacancies on contract basis. Qualification required is 12th Pass, Diploma in Para Medical Work, High School or equivalent with relevant experience. The age limit for the post of Technician-III  is 30 years, for Technician-II is 28 years, for Junior Nurse is 28 years. The pay scale for the post of Technician-III is Rs.17,520/-, for Technician-II is Rs.16,644/-, for Junior Nurse is Rs.17,520/- The interested candidates can walkin for the interview at 23-10-2018 09.00 AM to 10.00 AM. The venue is Hotel Amber Residency, Tanda Chowk, Hoshiarpur- 146001.

National Institute of Epidemiology (NIE) 

Technician, Junior Nurse Vacancies 2018

Important Dates

  • Date of Interview/ Written Test: 23-10-2018
  • Time of Interview/ Written Test: 09.00 AM to 10.00 AM
  • Venue: Hotel Amber Residency, Tanda Chowk, Hoshiarpur- 146001

Age Limit

  • For Post 01: 30 Years
  • For Post 02 & 03: 28 Years
  • Age relaxation is admissible for SC/ST/OBC/ PH/ Ex-servicemen candidates as per rules.
Vacancy Details
Sl No Post Name Total Qualification
1 Technician-III (Field) 05 12th Pass, Diploma in Para Medical Work (ANM, Nursing, Lab Technician etc.,)
2 Technician-II (Field) 05 High School or equivalent with relevant experience
3 Junior Nurse 02 High School or equivalent with relevant experience

General Instructions

1. Bring the filled in application with one set of Xerox copy of qualification and experience

2. Candidate should submit all certificates / testimonials in original for verification. Candidates who fail to bring the Original Certificates for written test / Interview will not be considered.

3. Age Relaxation is admissible in respect of SC/ST candidates for 5 years and OBC candidates for 3 years as per Government of India Rules.

4. Age concession to the extent of service rendered in ICMR projects will also be admissible for experience and skilled persons.

5. Experience certificate should clearly state the nature of work during the period of employment.

6. Community/ Caste certificate: Candidates applying under OBC category shall submit attested copy of OBC Non – Creamy Layer Certificate in specified format, issued within one year from the closing date of application by the appropriate authority. Only Non Creamy Layer OBC certificates will be accepted and other certificates will not be accepted.

7. No- Objection Certificate from the current employer (for Govt./AB/PSU Servants only).

8. All posts are Contractual for the duration offered.

9. The incumbents selected will have no claim for regular appointments under NIE/ICMR or continuation of his/her services in any other project.

10. TA/DA will not be paid by NIE for attending the written test/ interview.

11. The Institute reserves the right to fill up or not to fill the advertised posts.

The Director/Selection Committee has the right to accept / reject any application without assigning any reason thereof and no recommendation in this matter will be entertained.

Canvassing and bringing pressure in any form for short listing, interview and employment will be a disqualification and barred from selection process.

Important Links
Notification Click Here
Official Website Click Here


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