UPSC CAPF Recruitment 2020 Online Application for 209 Posts

  • Aug 18, 2020
Location: All India, IN
Organization Name: Union Public Service Commission
Employment Type: Full-time

Name of the Post: UPSC CAPF (ACs) Online Form 2020

Post Date: 18-08-2020

Total Vacancy: 209

Information: Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has given notification to conduct Central Armed Police Forces (Assistant Commandants) Exam 2020.The qualification required is Candidates should possess Bachelors Degree of a University. The age limit should be between 20 Years to 25 Years. Those Candidates who are interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply Online from 07/09/2020.

Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) 

Advt No: 12/2020-CPF

Central Armed Police Forces (ACs) Exam 2020

Application Fee


  • For General: Rs. 200/-
  • For SC/ ST/ Female: NIL
  • Payment Mode (Online): SBI by cash/ Net banking facility of State Bank of India/ Visa/ Master/ RuPay Credit/ Debit Card
Important Dates


  • Starting Date to Apply Online: 18-08-2020
  • Last Date to Apply Online: 07-09-2020
  • The online Applications can be withdrawn from: 14 to 20-09-2020 till 6.00 PM
  • Last Date for Payment of Fee (“Pay by cash” mode): 06-09-2020 23.59 hrs
  • Last Date for Fee Payment (Online Mode): 07-09-2020 18:00 hrs
  • Date of Written Exam: 20-12-2020
Age Limit (as on 01-08-2020)


  • Minimum Age: 20 Years
  • Maximum Age: 25 Years
  • Age relaxation is applicable as per rules.


  • Candidate should possess Bachelors Degree of a University.
Vacancy Details

                                                                              UPSC CPF (AC) Exam Syllabus

UPSC CPF (AC) Exam Syllabus: Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) conducts every year CPF (Central Police Force) Assistant Commandant’s Exam. The syllabus of UPSC CPF details given below.

Syllabus of the Written Examination Papers:-

Paper I: General Ability and Intelligence

The objective type questions with multiple choices in this paper will broadly cover The following areas:

1. General Mental Ability: The questions will be designed to test the logical reasoning, quantitative aptitude including numerical ability, and data interpretation.

2. General Science: The questions will be set to test general awareness, scientific temper,Comprehension and appreciation of scientific phenomena of everyday Observation including new areas of importance likes Information Technology, Biotechnology, Environmental Science.

3. Current Events of National and International Importance: The questions will test the candidates’ awareness of current events of national and international importance in the broad areas of culture, music, arts, literature, Sports, governance, societal and developmental issues, industry, business, Globalisation, and interplay among nations.

4. Indian Polity and Economy: The questions shall aim to test candidates’ knowledge of     the Country’s political System and the Constitution of India, social systems and public administration, economic development in India, regional and international security issues and human rights including its indicators.

5. History of India: The questions will broadly cover the subject in its social, economic and political spects. This shall also include the areas of growth of nationalism and freedom movement.

6. Indian and World Geography: The questions shall cover the physical, social and economic aspects of Geography pertaining to India and the World.

Paper II: General Studies, Essay and Comprehension

Part-A – Essay questions which are to be answered in long narrative form either In Hindi or English totaling 80 Marks. The indicative topics are modern Indian history especially of the freedom struggle, geography, polity and economy, Knowledge of security and human rights issues, and analytical ability.

Part-B – Comprehension, précis writing, other communications/language skills – to be attempted in English only (Marks 120) – The topics are Comprehension Passages, précis writing, developing counter arguments, simple grammar and Other aspects of language testing.

                                                                         UPSC CPF(AC) Selection Procedure

UPSC CPF(AC) Selection Procedure: Central Police Forces (CPF) (Assistant Commandants) Examination conducts by Union Public Service Commission for different central forces in India namely SSB, BSF, ITBP, CISF, CRPF. The selection process details are given below.

CPF (Central Police Force) Selection Procedure consists of 3 stages.
1. Written Examination
2. Physical Standards Test/ Physical Efficiency Test/ Medical Standards Test
3. Interview/ Personality Test

1. Written Examination: The written examination to be conducted by Union Public Service Commission will comprise two papers. Paper I & Paper II.

Paper I: General Ability and Intelligence – 250 Marks
Paper I consists of Objective (Multiple Answers) Type questions and questions will be set in English as well as Hindi. There is negative mark will be cut for each wrong answer.
Paper II: General Studies, Essay and Comprehension – 200 Marks
In this paper candidates will be allowed the option of writing the Essay Component in English or Hindi, but the medium of Precis Writing, Comprehension Components and other communications/ language skills will be in English.

2. Physical Standards/ Physical Efficiency Tests and Medical Standards Tests: Candidates who are qualified in the written examination will be called for the Physical Standards/ Physical Efficiency Tests and Medical Standards Tests.

Physical Efficiency Tests (PET):

a. 100 Meters race MalesIn 16 seconds FemalesIn 18Seconds
b. 800 Meters race In 3 minutes 45  seconds In 4 min 45 seconds
c. Long Jump 3.5 Meters (3 chances) 3.0 Meters (3 chances)
d. shot-put (7.26 kgs) 4.5 meters

Note: Pregnancy at the time of PET will be a disqualification and pregnant female candidate will be rejected.

3. Interview/ Personality Test: Candidates who are declared qualified in the Medical Standards Tests, will be called for Interview/Personality Test to be conducted by Union Public Service Commission. Candidates who are declared medically unfit but allowed to appear before the “Review Medical Board” on their appeal by the Appellate Authority will be called for Interview/ Personality Tests provisionally. Candidates who are short-listed for Interview/ Personality Test, including those short-listed for Interview/ Personality Test provisionally will be issued a Detailed Application Form (DAF) in which among other things, they will be required to indicate their preference of Forces. Interview/  Personality Test will carry 150 Marks.

4. Final Selection/ Merit: The merit list will be drawn on the basis of marks obtained by the candidates in the Written Examination and Interview/ Personality Test.

Post Name Total
Central Armed Police Forces (ACs) Exam 2020 209
Interested Candidates Can Read the Full Notification Before Apply Online
Important Links
Apply Online Part I Part II
Notification Click here
Official Website Click here


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