Andaman & Nicobar Administration Recruitment- Lab Technician, Instructor Vacancies – Last Date 15 April 2016

  • Mar 11, 2016
Location: Andaman and Nicobar Islands, IN
Organization Name: Andaman & Nicobar Administration Recruitment- Lab Technician, Instructor Vacancies
Employment Type: Full-time

Lab Technician (Electronics & Communication Engineering)

Address:Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Pahargaon, Port Blair ,

Pay Scale: PB-2 Rs. 9300-34800 with GP of Rs. 4200/-

Desirable Qualifications: Bachelor Degree of Engineering in the respective field from a recognized University (OR) Diploma in respective field from a recognized Educational/Technician Institution (OR) Senior Secondary pass (10+2) with vocational course certificate in an appropriate trade with 3 years practical experience.

No of Post: 01

Age Limit: Not exceeding 30 years (Relaxable for Govt. Servants up to 5 years in accordance with instructions/orders issued by the Central Govt.)

Last Date: 04/15/2016

How to Apply: Candidates who fulfills the above eligible criteria may apply in the prescribed form given in Annexure below. Application duly completed in all respects alongwith self attested copies of the certificates and other testimonials in support of Educational Qualification, Experience, Proof of Age, Employment Exchange registration number with 03 Nos. recent photograph of passport size including the photograph affixed in the application form (must write his/her name on back side of the photograph and one self addressed enveloped affixed with 10 Rupee postal stamp etc. should reach the office of the Principal, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Pahargaon, Port Blair latest by 15.04.2016. Application received after due date by any means will not be entertained.

Details will be available at:

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