APSC, Government Vacancies For Lecturer (English, Mathematics) – Guwahati, Assam

  • Aug 01, 2015
Location: Assam, IN
Organization Name: APSC, Government Vacancies For Lecturer (English, Mathematics)
Employment Type: Full-time

Lecturer (English) Assam Public Service Commission

Address: Assam Public Service Commission Jawaharnagar, Khanapara, Guwahati
Postal Code: 781022

City: Guwahati
State: Assam

Pay Scale: Rs. 12000 - Rs. 40000/- PM (PB-4) with Grade Pay of Rs. 5900/- PM plus other allowances as admissible under the Rules of Govt. of Assam.

Educational Requirements: i. Master Degree in language concerned with 55% marks from any recognized university ii. Degree/Diploma Certificate in Teacher Education (Preferably Elementary Teacher Education) with 55% marks.

Qualifications: Proficiency in the use of ICT for educational purpose.

Experience Requirements:

At least 3 years experience of teaching in Elementary/Secondary School/Elementary Teacher Education Institutes/Govt. Provincialised School or College/Working experience in SSA or RMSA.
Details will be available at: http://www.diprassam.gov.in/showTender.php?id=142
Lecturer (Mathematics)

Pay Scale: 12000 – Rs. 40000/- PM (PB-4) with Grade Pay of Rs. 5900/- PM plus other allowances as admissible under the Rules of Govt. of Assam.

Educational Requirements:

i. Master Degree in Mathematics with 55% marks from any recognized university ii. Degree/Diploma Certificate in Teacher Education (Preferably Elementary Teacher Education) with 55% marks.
Other Qualification:Proficiency in the use of ICT for educational purpose.

Experience Requirements:At least 3 years experience of teaching in Elementary/Secondary School/Elementary Teacher Education Institutes/Govt. Provincialised School or College/Working experience in SSA or RMSA.

Details will be available at: http://www.diprassam.gov.in/showTender.php?id=142

No of Post: 09/07

How To Apply:

a. Application form may be obtained by downloading the same from the APSC’s website www.apsc.nic.in.

b. The last date of receiving duly filled up application form in the Commission’s office is fixed on 26-08-2015.

c. Applications (including applications received through post) received after the last date fixed for receipt shall not be entertained.

d. Applications which are signed by the candidates and accompanied by all particulars as called for in the application form prescribed by the Commission only shall be considered and candidates fulfilling all the terms of the advertisement of the respective posts shall be called for a Screening test or Viva-voce interview where necessary as decided by the Commission.

e. (i) All candidates whether in Government Service or in Government owned undertaking or other similar organizations/Corporations/Boards/Bodies or in private employments should forward his/her application through his/her Controlling Officer/Employer. He/She should ensure that the application reaches the Assam Public Service Commission within the closing date, failing which it is liable to be rejected even if it had been submitted to the Controlling Officer/Employer before the closing date.
(ii) The Commission shall in no way be responsible in the event of any candidate after appointment is not released by the concerned authority to enable him/her to join the new post.

f. Candidates in the service of the State Govt. of Assam claiming age relaxation in terms of Personnel (B) O.M No. ABP 513/79/9, dated 27-03-1980 and O.M No. ABP 73/89/17, dated 04- 01-1992 must submit the necessary recommendations from the employer within 30 days from the last date submission of forms.

Last Date: 26-08-2015

Age Limit: 21-38 Years

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