Cochin Shipyard Ltd Recruitment 2019: Online Appliction for 132 Safety Asst, Fireman & Other Posts

  • Oct 03, 2019
Location: Cochin, Kerala, IN
Organization Name: Cochin Shipyard Limited
Employment Type: Full-time

Name of the Post: Cochin Shipyard Ltd Various Vacancies Online Form 2019

Post Date: 03-10-2019

Total Vacancy: 132

Information: Cochin Shipyard Limited has declared a advertisement for the recruitment of Sanitary-cum Health Inspector, Safety Assistant, Fireman vacancies. The qualification required is Class XII/ Plus 2, Diploma (Health Inspector) and SSLC. Those Candidates who are Interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can Apply Online.

Cochin Shipyard Limited 

Various Vacancies 2019

Application Fee


  • For General: Rs. 100/-
  • For SC/ ST/ PWDB: Nil
  • Payment Mode: Online payment by using Debit card/Credit card/Internet Banking
Important Dates


  • Starting Date to Apply Online & Payment of Fee: 02-10-2019
  • Last Date for Apply Online & Payment of Fee: 18-10-2019
Age Limit (as on 18-10-2019)


  • Upper Age Limit: 30 years
  • Age relaxation is applicable as per rules.
Vacancy Details
Post Name Total Qualification
Sanitary-cum Health Inspector 01 Class XII/ Plus 2, Diploma (Health Inspector)
Safety Assistant 72 SSLC
Fireman 59 SSLC

How to apply

(i) Applicants should go through the User Manual and FAQ published in the link (Careers page) before filling the online application. The application consists of two phases – One time Registration and Submission of 6 application against the posts applicable. Applicants should not submit more than one application. Application once submitted shall be final.

(ii) Applicants meeting the notified requirements may do the One time Registration in the SAP Online portal and submit their application. The facility to submit their application can be accessed through our website (Careers page) from 02 October 2019 to 18 October 2019. Application submitted direct or by any other mode shall not be accepted.

(iii) Before filling up the online application, all certificates towards proof of age, educational qualification, experience, caste, disability etc and a recent passport size colour photograph shall be kept ready in the system for uploading to the SAP online application portal.

(iv) Applicants should ensure that all certificates towards proof of age, educational qualification, experience, caste, disability etc and a recent passport size colour photograph are uploaded in the SAP online application portal, failing which their candidature shall not be considered and shall be rejected.

(v) Applicants should ensure that all the entries have been correctly filled in and application submitted successfully. Filling of garbage/junk details in any of the fields can lead to rejection of your application.

(vi) Application must be complete in all respects as per this Advertisement Notification. Please note that incomplete applications shall not be considered.

(vii) After applying through online, applicants should retain a soft copy/ printout of the online application containing the unique registration number generated by the system for their reference. It is important to note that, the unique registration number shall be obtained only upon successful submission of online application. The Registration Number on the online application should be quoted for any correspondence with CSL.

(viii) Applicants need not send the online application print out/ certificates/ application fee in the form of DD/Challan/Cheque by post to Cochin Shipyard Ltd. (ix) For applying through the SAP online application facility, the website shall remain functional from 02 October 2019 to 18 October 2019. The last date for submission of applications through online is 18 October 2019. In order to avoid heavy traffic in website on the last date that may result in non-submission of application, applicants are advised to log in to CSL website and submit applications well in advance before the last date. Those who apply on the last date of application may not get any troubleshooting assistance / technical support in the SAP application portal after 1700 hrs on the last date.


(i) Applicants are advised to make sure that they are meeting the eligibility requirements as per the vacancy notification for the posts before submitting the applications.

(ii) Shipyard reserves the right to call for any additional documentary evidence from candidates in support of educational qualification / experience / other notified eligibility requirements as indicated in their online application, and information / replies to such queries should be only through the e-mail However, Cochin Shipyard shall not be responsible for any delay/non-receipt of such e-mails within the stipulated date and time. Replies to any such queries received after the stipulated date and time shall not be considered and no further correspondence shall be entertained in this regard.

(iii) Applicants who fail to produce the original certificates and mark sheets during the certificate verification process shall not be considered for selection.

(iv) Call letters shall not be sent to short-listed candidates by post. They shall be informed to download call letter by e-mail/SMS/through CSL website. Schedule of the selection shall be intimated to the short-listed applicants through SMS/E-mail/CSL website (Careers page). 

(v) No TA/DA shall be paid to the candidates for attending the selection.

(vi) Mere submission of application through online and Issue of call letter for selection shall not confer any right to the applicant of acceptance of candidature or cannot be construed as an acknowledgement of fulfilling the eligibility criterion.

(vii) The vacancies are purely on contract basis for a specific period and Shipyard is not liable to offer appointment during or after the completion of contract period of the selected candidates.

Important Links
Apply Online Available Soon
Notification Click here
Official Website Click here


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