Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya (UBKV)
Senior Scientist cum Head
Address: Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya, P.O- Pundibari, Dist. Cooch Behar, West Bengal 736165
Pay Scale (Salary): Rs. 37,400-67,000/- GP Rs. 9,000/-
Desirable Qualifications:
(i) A 1st class or high 2nd class Master’s degree in the relevant subject or discipline followed by a Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture/Horticulture/Animal Science/Veterinary Science/Fishery Science.
(ii) A Doctoral degree in any branch of Agriculture/Horticulture/Animal Science/Fishery Science.
(iii) Eight (8) year’s experience in the relevant subject as Scientist/Lecturer/Extension Specialist or in an equivalent position in the Pay Band-3 of Rs. 15,600/- - 39,100/- with Grade Pay Rs. 5,400/- Rs. 6,000/- Rs. 7,000/-, Rs. 8,000/- or in an equivalent position and pay scale in pre-revised scale of pay.
(iv) Proven contribution to research/teaching/extension education as evidence by published work/innovations.
Desired Skills: Knowledge of agricultural situation and problems of the farmers of the state.
No of Post (Vacancies) : 01
Age Limit: 45 years
Last Date to Apply For This Job: 04/01/2016
How to Apply: Interested candidates satisfying the eligibility criteria as mentioned above are requested to submit their applications in the format given below on plain A-4 size paper, along with duly attested copies of the certificates pertaining to their qualifications, date of birth, category, experience etc. The application form duly completed in all respects should be sent to the Registrar (Recruitment Section), Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya, P.O- Pundibari, Dist. Cooch Behar, Pin.- 736165, West Bengal within 01.04.2016. Application Fee: A non-refundable application fee of Rs. 500/- (Rs. five hundred) only for the posts under Serial No. A and B above (Rs 250/- for SC/ST candidates) and Rs. 300/- (Rs. three hundred) only for the posts under the Serial No. C–G above (Rs. 150/- for SC/ST candidates) should be paid by A/C payee Demand Draft drawn in favour of Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya, payable at Cooch Behar. On the top of the envelope containing the application, write the words “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF ……………….. under KVK” in block letters.
General Instructions:
(1) In-service candidates shall have to submit their application through proper channel along with a no objection certificate from their present employer.
(2) Separate application shall have to be submitted for each post long with separate fee.
(3) The University reserves the right to increase/decrease the no of posts/ alter any conditions at point of time or not to fill up any of the posts advertised in case of non-availability of any suitable candidate or due to any other reasons without adducing any reason thereof.
(4) It should be clearly remembered that the continuance of the above posts will be strictly subject to financial support from Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi. Further, these posts are governed strictly by the relevant rules and regulations framed by ICAR from time to time.
(5) Candidates applying against reserved post (SC, ST, OBC etc.) must submit a valid certificate from the appropriate authority in support of their claim to belong to a particular community.
(6) Candidates are requested to provide only a list of publications, if any (Research, Technical, Extension or any other as the case may be); the original reprints need not be sent with the application at this stage. However, they will be required to produce those documents at the time of interview.
(7) The University reserves the right to reject any application form due to non-observation of the above instructions.
(8) Candidates are requested to provide their E-mail and contact number along with postal address.
(9) No travelling allowance will be borne for the candidates attending interview.
Job Details Will Be Available At: http://www.ubkv.ac.in/wp-content/uploads/Advt.-No.-UBKV_Rect_KVK-01_2016_02.03.2016.pdf